On 3/16/06, Nick Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Yonik,  I'm not actually using any IndexReaders, just IndexWriters
> and IndexSearchers.

An IndexSearcher contains an IndexReader.

>  I on;y get an IndexReader when I'm doing deletes
> but that isn't the case in this test.

Opening an IndexReader for deletes would cause the same number of
filehandles to be opened.

>  I definitely optimize() and
> close() each IndexWriter when it's done writing its documents (about 200).
> Anyway, I the problem occurs even when I do zero searches and deletes,
> therefore I am only working with IndexWriters.

Do you not create any IndexSearchers then?  It's the creation of the
IndexReader in the IndexSearcher that has all the open files, even if
no searches are run against it.

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