: >From my searches, there seems to be a FunctionQuery in Solr that can do this
: type of query. But I am using pure Lucene, and trying to port Solr code over
: (to create my own version of FunctionQuery) looks too complicated because of
: code dependency on other Solr code such as ValueSource, etc.

ValueSource isn't relaly "other Solr code" .. it's an inherient part of
FunctionQuery (hence it's in the same package).

You should be able to use everything in the
org.apache.solr.search.function package as is without any other Solr code.

: I have also search on how to write my own query instance, but there is lack
: of documentation on doing so. The formula to calculate the number proximity
: is quite trivial. But how to stitch together Query, Weight, Scorer is the
: problem :(

Check out the package documentation for org.apache.lucene.search,
particularly section #3 "Changing the Scoring" ...



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