I can certainly vouch for the benefits of partitioning, we've seen a very
big improvement in searcher refresh times (our main pain point) since we
implemented such an architecture.

Our application has 1000's of indexes, ranging in size from a few meg up
several gigabytes, updates occur very frequently and can effect any document
so we don't have the luxury you have of being able to partition our docs
into a read-only set and a writable set, however we have developed an
architecture that gives us very good performance even with these

What we have is 2 FSDirectories, 1 we call the "archive" which is where most
of our docs are stored and 1 called "work" which is where all updated and
new documents are added. We keep the work index as small as possible by
regularly merging its documents into the archive. Searching is done using a
MultiSearcher across the 2 indexes and to keep search results up to date we
need only refresh the work index searcher. We have considered using a
RAMDirectory in addition to the work directory, which would basically mirror
Erick's suggestion, but so far we have found that, as long as we keep the
work FSDirectory small, performance is very good and also given the number
of separate indexes we have there would be quite a bit of additional
complexity managing the memory footprint of all the RAMDirectories we'd

The main (only to be honest) complication with our scheme arises because
deletes/updates can effect any documents, which means we need to apply any
deletes to both the archive and the work partitions. We can do the archive
index deletes using the same Reader that we are searching against and
because deletes immediately effect search results we don't have to throw out
the archive searcher (which is very expensive). However the Reader does not
commit the deletes to disk until you close it, so if we want a consistent
index we do need to close the Reader immediately or risk loosing the
deletes. Catch-22.

Luckily we've found a way around this problem, we have 2 Readers open
against the archive index - the 1st Reader is used for all searching and is
never closed the 2nd Reader is used to keep the index files up to date and
as such is closed then recreated after each update transaction, all deletes
are applied to both readers. There's some trickery needed to allow 2 Readers
to both think they are updating the same FSDirectory when technically only
the 2nd one is, but this is not that difficult to resolve and is well worth
the effort as we never incur the penalty of recreating the archive index
Searcher to keep the search results up to date. Something that used to take
over 10 seconds, mainly because most of our searches are sorted and
therefore a Searcher refresh also requires the FieldCache to be refreshed as



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erick Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, 18 October 2006 6:29 AM
> To: java-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: index architectures
> I've been curious for a while about this scheme, and I'm 
> hoping you implement it and tell me if it works <G>. In 
> truth, my data is pretty static so I haven't had to worry 
> about it much. That said...
> Would it do (and, perhaps, be less complex) to have a 
> FSDirectory and a RAMDirectory that you search? And another 
> FSDirectory that gets updated in the background? Here's the 
> scheme as I see it.
> FSDirectorySearch. Holds the bulk of your index. Everything 
> up until, say, midnight the night before.
> FSDirectoryBack.  starts out as a copy of FSDirectorySearch, 
> but is where you add your new stories. NOTE: you don't search this.
> RAMDirectory. Where you stash your new documents dating from 
> the time your two FSDirectories were identical. It contains 
> the delta between your two FSDirectories.
> Your searcher opens FSDirectorySearch for searching.
> A new document comes in. You add it to your FSDirectoryBack 
> and your RAMDirectory.
> A search request comes in. Use a MultiSearcher (or variant) 
> to search FSDirectorySearch and RAMDirectory. You probably 
> have to re-open your RAMDirectory for search each time to 
> pick up the most recent additions.
> NOTE: you might want to search the archives for performance 
> data on multi-searchers, I'm not all that familiar with them....
> At some interval (daily? hourly? at some pre-determined number of new
> stories?) you close up everything, copy your FSDirectoryBack 
> to FSDirectorySearch, and re-start things. I'm wondering if 
> this kind of scheme allows you to keep the speed and memory 
> requirements down by processing requests faster. You might 
> also be able to get some advantage with caching.
> Don't know if this is actually a viable scheme, but thought 
> I'd mention it.
> And I'm sure you can see several variations on it that might 
> fit your problem space better.
> On a side note: I ran some tests at one point throwing a 
> variable number of searches (sorted) at my searcher using 
> XmlRpc. I never had out of memory errors. The index was on 
> the order of 1.4G, 870K documents. What I did see was the 
> speed take a dive eventually, but at least it was graceful. I 
> have no idea what was going on in the background, 
> specifically how XmlRpc was handling memory issues, so I'm 
> not sure how much that helps. I was servicing 100 
> simultaneous threads as fast as I could spawn them....
> So, I wonder if your out of memory issue is really related to 
> the number of requests you're servicing. But only you will be 
> able to figure that out <G>.
> These problems are...er...unpleasant to track down...
> I guess I wonder a bit about what large result sets is all 
> about. That is, do your users really care about results 
> 100-10,000 or do they just want to page through them on 
> demand? I'm sure you see where this is going, and if you're 
> already returning, say, 100 documents out of N and letting 
> them page, ignore this part. If you don't already know all 
> about the inefficiency inherent in iterating over a Hits 
> object, you might want to search the archives and/or look at 
> TopDocs and HitCollector....
> Best
> Erick
> On 10/17/06, Paul Waite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi chaps,
> >
> > Just looking for some ideas/experience as to how to improve our 
> > current architecture.
> >
> > We have a single-index system containing approx. 2.5 
> million docs of 
> > about 1-3k each.
> >
> > The Lucene implementation is a daemon and it services requests on a 
> > port in multi-threaded manner, and it runs on a fairly new dual cpu 
> > box with 2G of ram. Although I have the jvm using ~1.5G, 
> this system 
> > does fairly regularly crash with 'out of memory' errors. 
> It's hard to 
> > see the exact conditions at that point as to cause, but I'm 
> guessing 
> > it's simply a number of users executing queries which return large 
> > resultsets, and then require sorting (just about all queries are 
> > sorted by reverse date, using a field), so chewing up too 
> much memory.
> >
> > This index is updated frequently, since it is a news site, so this 
> > makes the use of cacheing filters problematic. Typically about 1500 
> > articles come in per day, and during working hours you'd see them 
> > popping in maybe every few seconds, with longer periods 
> interspersed 
> > fairly randomly. Access to these new articles is expected 
> to be 'immediate'
> > for folks doing searches.
> >
> > The nature of this area is such that a great deal of 
> activity focusses 
> > on 'recent' news, in particular the last 24 hours, then the 
> last week, 
> > and perhaps the last month in that order.
> >
> > With that in mind I had the idea of creating a dual-index 
> architecture 
> > "recent" and "archive", where the "recent" index holds approx. the 
> > most recent 30 days and the "archive" holds the rest.
> >
> > But there are several refinements on this, and I wondered if anyone 
> > else out there has already solved or at least tackled this 
> problem and 
> > has any suggestions.
> >
> >
> > For example, here is one idea for how the above might operate:
> >
> > At a defined point in time, the 30-day index is generated. 
> For us this 
> > is easy. Our article bodies are all stored out on disk, 
> timestamped, 
> > and we can simply generate a list newer than a certain date 
> and index 
> > these to a brand new index.
> >
> > At the same time, the "archive" index is merged with the existing 
> > 30-day index, to make an updated "archive index.
> >
> > The system then operates by indexing to the 30-day index 
> and directing 
> > searches to it where date-range is appropriate, otherwise to the 
> > archive index. We would then operate in this mode for a week or so 
> > before refreshing the indexes again.
> >
> > So searching and sorting would then mostly be done on an 
> index which 
> > has around 45,000 docs in it rather than 2.5 million. I'm supposing 
> > that this will be massively faster to operate with both 
> indexing and 
> > searching/sorting.
> >
> > Any comments from anyone on this would be very much appreciated.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Paul.
> >
> > 
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