yes that is exactly what i am doing
in java String i have something like
String aSearchStr = "\"„innere Organe\\\" bezeichnet\"";
Query query = parser.parse(aSearchStr);

2nd line to parse gives me the Exception. In this case as i understand the
search String input that goes to lucene is actually  "„innere Organe\"
Should i send something else..
On 3/12/07, karl wettin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

12 mar 2007 kl. 07.53 skrev ruchi thakur:

> no, i just get the folowing
> org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: Lexical error at line 1,
> column 30. Encountered: <EOF> after : ""

The problem is probably that you have a " in your query, and it
expects an end "-token. So it needs to be escaped. Programatically:

String q = "\"„innere Organe\\\" bezeichnet\"";


> On 3/12/07, karl wettin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 12 mar 2007 kl. 07.44 skrev ruchi thakur:
>> > I want to search for phrase     „innere Organe" bezeichnet
>> > am using query q1  =     "„innere Organe\" bezeichnet"
>> >
>> > is there any issue with q1
>> > am getting Exception in retrieveQuery().IndexDirec:Lexical error at
>> > line 1,
>> > column 30. Encountered: <EOF> after : ""
>> Is there something more to this exception? Something like what it
>> expected?
>> --
>> karl
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