On 12 Apr 2007 at 20:22, karl wettin wrote:

> 12 apr 2007 kl. 20.00 skrev Steffen Heinrich:
> > This search is only meant to be used in an ajax-driven web
> > application.
> > And the basic idea is to give the user incentive and turn him to
> > something new, something he didn't think of before.
> > I just generalized on the concept in a mail to Erick under the same
> > subject. There is also a link to a working implementation that served
> > as my model.
> As "ivan charo" finds "Ivan Goncharov", I suspect they work on a  
> token n gram level. Perhaps that is something you could try?
Some weeks ago I tried out the NGramTokenstream by alias-i as it was 
presented in 'Lucene in Action' and it returned good results but 
seemed to be overly time consuming against the spell checker which 
was distributed with lucene 2.1.0.

> Still, I don't like the idea of hammering the index like that. But in  
> your case that might not be a problem.
> > "Tries are also well suited for implementing approximate matching
> > algorithms, including those used in spell checking software."
> >
> > Do you have any information about how this can be done?
> The author probably thought of navigating an "a priori" trie (a trie  
> filled with known good words) using some path finder algorithm  
> (breadth first, Dijkstra, A*, et c) based on the (possibly) incorrect  
> spelled word. Personally I think there are better (algorithmic) ways  
> to solve that problem.
> You are welcome to try <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ 
> LUCENE-626> if you find spellchecking interesting.
It looks promising and I will try to get my head into it, but I'm not 
sure at all if I'll be up to the task. :(

Thank you, Karl.

Kind Regards,

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