On Wednesday 30 May 2007 11:53:09 Martin Kobele wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 May 2007 11:49:41 Michael McCandless wrote:
> > You are only using a single instance of IndexReader, right?  If for
> > example you try to make a new instance of IndexReader and then call
> > deleteDocument on that new one, then you would hit the exception
> > unless you had closed the first one.
> Yeah, I use only one single instance of the IndexReader of this particular
> index. But I have like 20 IndexReaders of 20 different indexes open.
oh dear, it was my own fault.....
I was hoping I could monitor the last modified time of the directory to 
determine whether somebody has replaced the index. But lucene itself modifies 
the time stamp of the directory when you delete documents.
I am wiser now ;)



Martin Kobele
Software Developer
t. 519-826-5222 ext #224
f. 519-826-5228
Netsweeper Corporate Head Office
104 Dawson Road
Guelph, Ontario
N1H 1A7

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