Hi Everybody,

I would appreciate if lucene users could give me some advice about the
project I am doing.
I want to use lucene to index wikipedia and do searches on it as a part of
my project.
- Firstly, I am concerned about the size of wikipedia. Is it feasible to do
it on a single machine
 with 1 GB of Physical Memory and 1.3GHz processor. Can lucene handle it
- Secondly, I wanted to know that when doing search does lucene load the
whole index in memory
  or if the index size is larger than memory then would the search be
significantly slowed down.
- Thirdly, I want to pass documents as queries to wikipedia corpus, can
lucene handle such large
  queries equivanlent to documents sizes, if not what modifications do I
have to make.
- Fourthly, would it be efficient to keep subsets of index on different
machines and then distribute the query to all of them.

Any suggestions on how to improve the performance with lucene considering
the problem I mentioned above.

Thank you all,
Zareen Saba Syed

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