Server One handle website
Server Two is a light version of tomcat wich handle Lucene Search

In front, a lighttpd which use server two for /search, and server one
for  all others things

You can add lucene server with round robin in lighttpd with this scheme.

Careful with fault tolerance and index replication.


Chun Wei Ho a écrit :
> Hi,
> We are currently running a Tomcat web application serving searches
> over our Lucene index (10GB) on a single server machine (Dual 3GHz
> CPU, 4GB RAM). Due to performance issues and to scale up to handle
> more traffic/search requests, we are getting another server machine.
> We are looking at two ways of scaling:
> (1) duplicating the web application and index on the second machine
> and load-balancing incoming users between the two servers.
> (2) modifying our web application so that one machine will host our
> web application (and associated MySQL database), while the other one
> will host the Lucene index. The first machine would be dedicated to
> our web application and database, while the second becomes our
> dedicated Lucene search server. When users perform a search on the
> website, the web application will send the request to the Lucene index
> server, which will perform the search and return the results to the
> web application.
> We would like comments from users who have set up similar systems on
> how you have accomplished (1) in your setups, and whether (2) is a
> good choice for scaling.
> Attached is a more complete RTF document outlining our architecture
> and proposal. We appreciate your perusal and comments.
> Regards,
> CW
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