Thanks for your comments and suggestions everyone :)

It looks like the general trend is to be in favour of (2) splitting
the frontend web application and the searching application.

Solr looks a lot like what we would liked, but unfortunately we
finished our application a while before Solr initially became
available, and I honestly say reading up on Solr's architecture and
how it segregates the searching layer from the frontend (so you can
add further dedicated search machines) was our idea for (2).

Splitting our index looks like a way to go and I am curious as to how
people are splitting their indexes? A split by category, or a split by
time (say divide 2 months worthed of index additions into 8 indexes of
a week each) and how would the system cope with the multiple indexes?

On 6/29/07, Grant Ingersoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hadoop is not designed for this type of scenario.

Have a look at Solr (, this is pretty
much one of it's main use cases.  I think it will do what you need to
do and will more than likely work w/ a minimal of configuration on
your existing index (but don't hold me to that statement).

Also, have you done profiling on your application such that you are
sure moving Lucene off the machine is going to help that much?


ps, the mailing lists strips attachments.

On Jun 28, 2007, at 10:19 AM, Samuel LEMOINE wrote:

> Chun Wei Ho a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> We are currently running a Tomcat web application serving searches
>> over our Lucene index (10GB) on a single server machine (Dual 3GHz
>> CPU, 4GB RAM). Due to performance issues and to scale up to handle
>> more traffic/search requests, we are getting another server machine.
>> We are looking at two ways of scaling:
>> (1) duplicating the web application and index on the second machine
>> and load-balancing incoming users between the two servers.
>> (2) modifying our web application so that one machine will host our
>> web application (and associated MySQL database), while the other one
>> will host the Lucene index. The first machine would be dedicated to
>> our web application and database, while the second becomes our
>> dedicated Lucene search server. When users perform a search on the
>> website, the web application will send the request to the Lucene
>> index
>> server, which will perform the search and return the results to the
>> web application.
>> We would like comments from users who have set up similar systems on
>> how you have accomplished (1) in your setups, and whether (2) is a
>> good choice for scaling.
>> Attached is a more complete RTF document outlining our architecture
>> and proposal. We appreciate your perusal and comments.
>> Regards,
>> CW
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> I'm acutely interrested by this issue too, as I'm working on
> distributed architecture of Lucene. I'm only at the very beginning
> of my study so that I can't help you much, but Hadoop maybe could
> fit to your requirements. It's a sub-project of Lucene aiming to
> parallelise Lucene.
> See but I don't know
> wether it scales well to very small clusters...
> About your attached, I couldn't access it, it was only a "Partie
> 1.2" file containing this text:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Cordially,
> Samuel
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Grant Ingersoll
Center for Natural Language Processing

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