Hi Tim!

On Jul 25, 2007, at 8:41 PM, Tim Sturge wrote:

I am indexing a set of constantly changing documents. The change rate is moderate (about 10 docs/sec over a 10M document collection with a 6G total size) but I want to be right up to date (ideally within a second but within 5 seconds is acceptable) with the index.

We have a change rate between 2-3 to 60 docs/sec over a bit smaller index (but not too much smaller). We are actually reopening IndexSearchers every five seconds or if the amount of index changes exceeds a certain threshold (100 changes IIRC). The latter is to guard against spikes in updates we like to see reflected earlier. This is purely an implementation detail, though.

Right now I have code that adds new documents to the index and deletes old ones using updateDocument() in the 2.1 IndexWriter. In order to see the changes, I need to recreate the IndexReader/ IndexSearcher every second or so. I am not calling optimize() on the index in the writer, and the mergeFactor is 10.

Is there a separation between the code that inserts/updates and the one that searches? We have that distinction and it's been working great. Might not possible for your application (I simply don't know what your objectives are) but might be worth considering. In other words we have separate VMs doing the updates and searches, so we can set different heap sizes and GC strategies.

The problem I am facing is that java gc is terrible at collecting the IndexSearchers I am discarding. I usually have a 3msec query time, but I get gc pauses of 300msec to 3 sec (I assume is is collecting the "tenured" generation in these pauses, which is my old IndexSearcher)

We used to have that, too, until we switched GC algorithms. It was unbearable.

I've tried "-Xincgc", "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC" and calling System.gc() right after I close the old index without much luck (I get the pauses down to 1sec, but get 3x as many. I want < 25 msec pauses). So my question is, should I be avoiding reloading my index in this way? Should I keep a separate IndexReader (which only deletes old documents) and one for new documents? Is there a standard technique for a quickly changing index?

So, these are the settings we use for the search application (this is Java 6, though, YMMV):

You might have to tweak the generation sizes for your application. That is rather tricky business, but

might help you to figure out what the correct sizes are. Those settings should also tell you whether your tweaks are actually working for you. Systems.gc() is just asking for trouble, really. I have yet to see a situation where it really helped me. The best way is to figure out the right settings for the GC itself, and then forget about it. It actually took some experimenting and load-testing to find the right mixture for us.

GC pauses aren't user-noticable in our application (which is web- based). Given our architecture we have a certain amount of latency between a document change and the reflection of that in the index, but it is not limited by GC. The machines are 64bit P4 Xeons with 4GB RAM, so nothing out of the ordinary. Java 6 made a noticable difference for us, on the order of some 10% performance increase, both in load average and response time.
We have yet to encounter problems with it...

The updating part of the application runs with a simple -XX: +UseParallelGC and its max heap size is much smaller.

Also we are using a custom refcounted scheme for index searchers, so that new requests always get the latest IndexSearcher opened. We reopen searchers constantly, as I mentioned above. This pretty much ensures that we meet our 5 second max delay time. I cannot say that it actually takes that long to reopen, though we have made some modifications to the Lucene core which should make it even slower to reopen and write to disc. So I guess this is not your bottleneck, either.

Kay Röpke

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