I implemented this for my qsol query parser: myhardshadow.com/qsol

Uses a modified SpanNotQuery that takes another parameter saying how many times the span can cross the specified marker. Index a special paragraph marker with your text to delimit paragraphs and then the rest is easy.

- Mark

public class SpanWithinQuery extends SpanQuery {

   private SpanQuery include;
   private SpanQuery exclude;
   private int proximity;

/** Construct a SpanWithinQuery matching spans from <code>include</code> which * overlap with spans from <code>exclude</code> up to <code>proximity</code> times.*/ public SpanWithinQuery(SpanQuery include, SpanQuery exclude, int proximity) {
       this.include = include;
       this.exclude = exclude;
       this.proximity = proximity;

       if (!include.getField().equals(exclude.getField())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Clauses must have same field.");

   /** Return the SpanQuery whose matches are filtered. */
   public SpanQuery getInclude() {
       return include;

/** Return the SpanQuery whose matches must not overlap those returned. */
   public SpanQuery getExclude() {
       return exclude;

   public String getField() {
       return include.getField();

   /** Returns a collection of all terms matched by this query.
    * @deprecated use extractTerms instead
    * @see #extractTerms(Set)
   public Collection getTerms() {
       return include.getTerms();

   public void extractTerms(Set terms) {

   public String toString(String field) {
       StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
       buffer.append(", ");
       buffer.append(proximity + " ,");

       return buffer.toString();

   public Spans getSpans(final IndexReader reader) throws IOException {
       return new Spans() {
               private Spans includeSpans = include.getSpans(reader);
               private boolean moreInclude = true;
               private Spans excludeSpans = exclude.getSpans(reader);
               private boolean moreExclude = true;

               public boolean next() throws IOException {
                   if (moreInclude) { // move to next include
                       moreInclude = includeSpans.next();

                   while (moreInclude && moreExclude) {
if (includeSpans.doc() > excludeSpans.doc()) { // skip exclude moreExclude = excludeSpans.skipTo(includeSpans.doc());

                       int count = 0;

                       while (moreExclude // while exclude is before
&&(includeSpans.doc() == excludeSpans.doc())) { if ((!(excludeSpans.end() <= includeSpans.start()))) {
                               count += 1;

                               if (count > proximity) {

moreExclude = excludeSpans.next(); // increment exclude

                       if (!moreExclude // if no intersection
||(includeSpans.doc() != excludeSpans.doc()) || (includeSpans.end() <= excludeSpans.start())) {
                           break; // we found a match

moreInclude = includeSpans.next(); // intersected: keep scanning

                   return moreInclude;

               public boolean skipTo(int target) throws IOException {
                   if (moreInclude) { // skip include
                       moreInclude = includeSpans.skipTo(target);

                   if (!moreInclude) {
                       return false;

                   if (moreExclude // skip exclude
                            &&(includeSpans.doc() > excludeSpans.doc())) {
moreExclude = excludeSpans.skipTo(includeSpans.doc());

                   int count = 0;

                   while (moreExclude // while exclude is before
                            &&(includeSpans.doc() == excludeSpans.doc())) {
if ((!(excludeSpans.end() <= includeSpans.start()))) {
                           count += 1;

                           if (count > proximity) {

moreExclude = excludeSpans.next(); // increment exclude

                   if (!moreExclude // if no intersection
                            ||(includeSpans.doc() != excludeSpans.doc()) ||
                           (includeSpans.end() <= excludeSpans.start())) {
                       return true; // we found a match

                   boolean returnboolean = next();

                   return returnboolean; // scan to next match

               public int doc() {
                   return includeSpans.doc();

               public int start() {
                   return includeSpans.start();

               public int end() {
                   return includeSpans.end();

               public String toString() {
                   return "spans(" + SpanWithinQuery.this.toString() + ")";

   public Query rewrite(IndexReader reader) throws IOException {
       SpanWithinQuery clone = null;

       SpanQuery rewrittenInclude = (SpanQuery) include.rewrite(reader);

       if (rewrittenInclude != include) {
           clone = (SpanWithinQuery) this.clone();
           clone.include = rewrittenInclude;

       SpanQuery rewrittenExclude = (SpanQuery) exclude.rewrite(reader);

       if (rewrittenExclude != exclude) {
           if (clone == null) {
               clone = (SpanWithinQuery) this.clone();

           clone.exclude = rewrittenExclude;

       if (clone != null) {
           return clone; // some clauses rewrote
       } else {
           return this; // no clauses rewrote

   /** Returns true iff <code>o</code> is equal to this. */
   public boolean equals(Object o) {
       if (this == o) {
           return true;

       if (!(o instanceof SpanWithinQuery)) {
           return false;

       SpanWithinQuery other = (SpanWithinQuery) o;

       return this.include.equals(other.include) &&
       this.exclude.equals(other.exclude) &&
(this.getBoost() == other.getBoost()) && (proximity == other.proximity);

   public int hashCode() {
       int h = include.hashCode();
       h = (h << 1) | (h >>> 31); // rotate left
       h ^= exclude.hashCode();
       h = (h << 1) | (h >>> 31); // rotate left
       h ^= Float.floatToRawIntBits(getBoost());
       h ^= proximity;

       return h;

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