It is stable...give it a whirl. I use it at about 5 or 6 different heavily used installs at the moment and know of about a dozen others that use it (many others have downloaded, but who knows what for). If you notice anything off with it, I will fix immediately as I use it heavily in production environments (newspaper business). Just send me the query that does not work as you would expect.

It is Apache License. If you have any comments and/or requests, I am currently working on a second version and am happy to receive any feedback.

Qsol was started a little over a year ago and the first beta release was in January. 1.0 was released in June. An early version was even translated to C# by a guy that needed it. Because of some heavy changes I plan, I am now moving on to 2.0.

Do keep in mind though...the Highlighter extension I wrote does not require Qsol:, though it does complement the span support nicely.

Also, the default Lucene QueryParser does have limited configurable operators I believe.

- Mark

John Byrne wrote:
Thanks for that, that's exactly what I needed.

Actually, I hadn't heard of qsol, but it seems to solve a few other problems I have as well - correct highlighting, configurable operators, sentence recogition. Is it distributed under the Apache license? and is it currently stable enough to use out-of-the-box?


Mark Miller wrote:
I implemented this for my qsol query parser:

Uses a modified SpanNotQuery that takes another parameter saying how many times the span can cross the specified marker. Index a special paragraph marker with your text to delimit paragraphs and then the rest is easy.

- Mark

public class SpanWithinQuery extends SpanQuery {

   private SpanQuery include;
   private SpanQuery exclude;
   private int proximity;

/** Construct a SpanWithinQuery matching spans from <code>include</code> which * overlap with spans from <code>exclude</code> up to <code>proximity</code> times.*/ public SpanWithinQuery(SpanQuery include, SpanQuery exclude, int proximity) {
       this.include = include;
       this.exclude = exclude;
       this.proximity = proximity;

       if (!include.getField().equals(exclude.getField())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Clauses must have same field.");

   /** Return the SpanQuery whose matches are filtered. */
   public SpanQuery getInclude() {
       return include;

/** Return the SpanQuery whose matches must not overlap those returned. */
   public SpanQuery getExclude() {
       return exclude;

   public String getField() {
       return include.getField();

   /** Returns a collection of all terms matched by this query.
    * @deprecated use extractTerms instead
    * @see #extractTerms(Set)
   public Collection getTerms() {
       return include.getTerms();

   public void extractTerms(Set terms) {

   public String toString(String field) {
       StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
       buffer.append(", ");
       buffer.append(proximity + " ,");

       return buffer.toString();

   public Spans getSpans(final IndexReader reader) throws IOException {
       return new Spans() {
               private Spans includeSpans = include.getSpans(reader);
               private boolean moreInclude = true;
               private Spans excludeSpans = exclude.getSpans(reader);
               private boolean moreExclude = true;

               public boolean next() throws IOException {
                   if (moreInclude) { // move to next include
                       moreInclude =;

                   while (moreInclude && moreExclude) {
if (includeSpans.doc() > excludeSpans.doc()) { // skip exclude moreExclude = excludeSpans.skipTo(includeSpans.doc());

                       int count = 0;

                       while (moreExclude // while exclude is before
&&(includeSpans.doc() == excludeSpans.doc())) { if ((!(excludeSpans.end() <= includeSpans.start()))) {
                               count += 1;

                               if (count > proximity) {

moreExclude =; // increment exclude

                       if (!moreExclude // if no intersection
||(includeSpans.doc() != excludeSpans.doc()) || (includeSpans.end() <= excludeSpans.start())) {
                           break; // we found a match

moreInclude =; // intersected: keep scanning

                   return moreInclude;

               public boolean skipTo(int target) throws IOException {
                   if (moreInclude) { // skip include
                       moreInclude = includeSpans.skipTo(target);

                   if (!moreInclude) {
                       return false;

                   if (moreExclude // skip exclude
&&(includeSpans.doc() > excludeSpans.doc())) { moreExclude = excludeSpans.skipTo(includeSpans.doc());

                   int count = 0;

                   while (moreExclude // while exclude is before
&&(includeSpans.doc() == excludeSpans.doc())) { if ((!(excludeSpans.end() <= includeSpans.start()))) {
                           count += 1;

                           if (count > proximity) {

moreExclude =; // increment exclude

                   if (!moreExclude // if no intersection
||(includeSpans.doc() != excludeSpans.doc()) || (includeSpans.end() <= excludeSpans.start())) {
                       return true; // we found a match

                   boolean returnboolean = next();

                   return returnboolean; // scan to next match

               public int doc() {
                   return includeSpans.doc();

               public int start() {
                   return includeSpans.start();

               public int end() {
                   return includeSpans.end();

               public String toString() {
return "spans(" + SpanWithinQuery.this.toString() + ")";

   public Query rewrite(IndexReader reader) throws IOException {
       SpanWithinQuery clone = null;

       SpanQuery rewrittenInclude = (SpanQuery) include.rewrite(reader);

       if (rewrittenInclude != include) {
           clone = (SpanWithinQuery) this.clone();
           clone.include = rewrittenInclude;

       SpanQuery rewrittenExclude = (SpanQuery) exclude.rewrite(reader);

       if (rewrittenExclude != exclude) {
           if (clone == null) {
               clone = (SpanWithinQuery) this.clone();

           clone.exclude = rewrittenExclude;

       if (clone != null) {
           return clone; // some clauses rewrote
       } else {
           return this; // no clauses rewrote

   /** Returns true iff <code>o</code> is equal to this. */
   public boolean equals(Object o) {
       if (this == o) {
           return true;

       if (!(o instanceof SpanWithinQuery)) {
           return false;

       SpanWithinQuery other = (SpanWithinQuery) o;

       return this.include.equals(other.include) &&
       this.exclude.equals(other.exclude) &&
(this.getBoost() == other.getBoost()) && (proximity == other.proximity);

   public int hashCode() {
       int h = include.hashCode();
       h = (h << 1) | (h >>> 31); // rotate left
       h ^= exclude.hashCode();
       h = (h << 1) | (h >>> 31); // rotate left
       h ^= Float.floatToRawIntBits(getBoost());
       h ^= proximity;

       return h;

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