See in Lucene FAQ:
  "Are Wildcard, Prefix, and Fuzzy queries case sensitive?"

On Dec 17, 2007 11:27 AM, Helmut Jarausch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> please help I am totally puzzled.
> The same query, once with a direct call to FuzzyQuery
> succeeds while the same query with QueryParser fails.
> What am I missing?
> Sorry, I'm using pylucene (with lucene-java-2.2.0-603782)
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import lucene
> from lucene import *
> lucene.initVM(lucene.CLASSPATH)
> directory = RAMDirectory()
> writer = IndexWriter(directory, WhitespaceAnalyzer(), True)
> doc = Document()
> doc.add(Field("field","Wolfgang Dahmen  Arnold Reusken",
>              Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED))
> writer.addDocument(doc)
> writer.optimize()
> writer.close()
> searcher = IndexSearcher(directory)
> FQ= True
> # FQ= False   # this case doesn't find anything  <+++++  WHY
> if  FQ :
>  # this succeeds in finding the entry above
>  query = FuzzyQuery(Term("field", "Damen"),0.79,0)
> else :
>  # this fails to find that entry
>  parser= QueryParser("field",WhitespaceAnalyzer())
>  query= parser.parse("Damen~0.79")
> hits =
> print "there are",hits.length(),"hits"
> for k in range(0,hits.length()) :
>  print hits.doc(k).get("field")
> --
> Helmut Jarausch
> Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
> RWTH - Aachen University
> D 52056 Aachen, Germany
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