The main reason to use a single IndexReader is because its very time consuming to open an IndexReader. If your index is pretty static, maybe this is not much of a concern. Otherwise its a major concern. But lets say its not...then we have to assume your going to have a huge index (otherwise the single thread bottleneck is just not going to matter) and if you have a huge index, 9 times out of 10, the bottleneck will be disk IO and your unlikely to benefit much from multiple Readers anyway.

Perhaps, in some esoteric case, multiple readers is the right idea (monster, monster, super IO system, static index?? maybe...)...but unless you have run into this case and have some data to show it, I would stick with what the community currently designates as best practice. Otherwise, your really just getting ahead of yourself. Single searcher has been scaled to some pretty huge sites. More than one searcher is usually responsible for very slow performance.

- Mark

Timo Nentwig wrote:
On Tuesday 01 January 2008 19:26:51 Grant Ingersoll wrote:
My guess would be b/c best practice is usually to only have one Reader/
Searcher per Directory, but I don't know if that is the real reason.
Most discussions/testing I have seen indicate a single Reader/Searcher
performs best.

Well, I read this (in the FAQ) that I should use only a single Searcher/Reader. And I really would like to but I ran into some FSDirectory IO synchronized{} bottleneck and hence (still) don't see any alternative to pooling multiple seachers (which waste a lot of memory).

Even LUCENE-997 doesn't produce relief here... :-\

But in general, since IndexSearcher is single-threaded I don't think that this a wise approach. No matter how large the index, no matter the IO system, no matter how many queries you want all this to go thru a single thread? How long since does a single thread plus synchronous IO scale?

However I yet didn't find any discussion on this topic so I'd be glad if somebody could give me a link.


On Jan 1, 2008, at 11:57 AM, Timo Nentwig wrote:

Is there are particular reason why CachingWrapperFilter caches per
and not per If there are multiple
IndexSearcher/IndexReader instances (and only one Directory) cache
will be
built and held in memory redundantly. I don't see any sense in doing
so (?).

Thanks for hints...

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Grant Ingersoll

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