9 feb 2008 kl. 00.53 skrev Matt Ronge:

On Feb 8, 2008, at 11:17 AM, Karl Wettin wrote:

6 feb 2008 kl. 23.10 skrev Matt Ronge:

I may index the token "house" maybe found in different places with different types. If the user query contains house, I want to report the number of instances of the token house of type A, type B and so on.

Should I be using payloads for this? If so, I'd like to be able to count up all the instances of for each type. Then I can show the results, along with TypeA (100 hits), TypeB (1000 hits) so on.

Pehaps, what do you do with these numbers you extract?

I would like to display this to the user along with the search results. So then can see that there are 100 hits for TypeA, and then can specify to get results just of TypeA.

100 hits, does that explicitly mean 100 documents or could it be 4 documents with 25 payloads each?

So on top of being able to count hits based on the payload, I'll need to run a query that looks at the payloads.

It is "not possible" to implement a query that search for payloads.

Are you aware of how facets usually are implemented with Lucene? There is a lot about it in the mail archives and Solr does it out of the box.

You probably want a second field indexed with your type classifications, and perhaps one field per type containing something like size for sort/search/store.


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