On Apr 26, 2008, at 2:33 AM, Samuel Guo wrote:

Hi all,

I am a lucene newbie:)

It seems that lucene doesn't support distributed indexing:(
As some IR research papers mentioned, when the documents collection become large, the index will be large also. When one single machine can't hold all the index, some strategies are used to solve it. such as that we can part
the whole collection into several small sub-collections. According to
different partitions, we can got different strategies : document- partittion and term-partition. but I don't know why not lucene support these ways:(
can't anyone explain it ?

Because no one has donated the code to do it. You can do distributed indexing via Nutch and some (albeit non fault tolerant) distributed Search in Lucene. Solr also now has distributed search.

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