
One more question: when you hit that exception, does the offending file in fact not exist (when you list the directory yourself)?

And, does the exception keep happening consistently (same file missing) once that happens, or, does the same index work fine the next time you try it (ie, the exception is intermittent)?


Paul J. Lucas wrote:

On May 30, 2008, at 3:05 AM, Michael McCandless wrote:

Are you indexing only one document each time you open IndexWriter? Or do you open a single IndexWriter, add all documents for that directory, then close it?

The latter.

When the exception occurs, do you know how many simultaneous threads are doing searching? I realize you said it's extremely light load, but if it's possibly a good number of threads, and combined with a large mergeFactor, that would explain the exhaustion.

I don't know, but the answer is probably either 0 or 1. I forgot if I mentioned this before, but there is exactly 1 client for my server. Most of the time, the number of queries is 0 because the client is quiescent. A query only happens when the user (using the client) manually initiates a query. (I don't work on the client code, so I'm not totally sure, but the client may also initiate several queries at once when getting information for all the files in a directory. But even then, we're talking only about a handful of threads.)

The exception always happens when I call close() after unindexing the contents of a directory.

Do you know what your descriptor limit actually is? You can use this simple JUnit test (from the upcoming Lucene in Action revision) to check:


- Paul

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