Hi Daniel,

On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 20:37 +0200, Daniel Naber wrote:
> On Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2008, László Monda wrote:
> > Since fuzzy searching is based on the Levenshtein distance, the distance
> > between "coldplay" and "coldplay" is 0 and the distance between
> > "coldplay" and "downplay" is 3 so how on earth is possible that when
> > searching for "coldplay", Lucene returns "longplay"?
> You can use query.explain() to get the details of the ranking. In your 
> case, just build a query like: term^100 OR term~, i.e. boost the original 
> (non-fuzzy) term with a large number.

According to the current Lucene documentation at
http://lucene.apache.org/java/2_3_2/api/index.html it seems to me that
the Query class doesn't have any explain() methods.

Am I missing something?

Laci  <http://monda.hu>

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