
Is there a way to disable boolean operators in the Lucene engine?

The reason for this question is the mystical / unexpected exception I encounter when parsing a query containing many words. I query on a single field with a query containing 2243 words (14.742 characters). I haven't had this issue with smaller queries. I remove the Lucene special characters (+, -, &&, ||, !, (, ), {, }, [, ], ^, \, ~, *, ?, :, \) and boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) from string before including them in a query. Then I construct the query as follows:
Query q = new QueryParser("alldata", analyser).parse(queryString);
and call
Hits hits = searcher.search(q);

An exception with the following message is thrown:
Cannot parse '<big string>': too many boolean clauses

Kind regards,
Balthasar Schopman

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