at the time search , while querying the data
markrmiller wrote:
> Sebastin wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Is there any possibility to avoid duplicate records in lucene  2.3.1? 
> I don't believe that there is a very high performance way to do this. 
> You are basically going to have to query the index for an id before 
> adding a new doc. The best way I can think of off the top of my head is 
> to batch - first check that ids in the batch are unique, then check all 
> ids in the batch against the IndexReader, then add the ones that are not 
> dupes. Of course all of your docs would have to be added through this 
> single choke point so that you knew other threads had not added that id 
> after the first thread had looked but before it added the doc.
> I think Mark H has you covered if getting the dupes out after are okay.
> - Mark
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