I think that is the best strategy at this point.
The head of 2.3 has a workaround (that so far *seems* to work around)
for that JRE bug.
Jamie wrote:
I feel like we are having to tip toe across JRE bugs to get this to
work right. I am definitely not pointing fingers, since the issues
and their resolutions are complex but
I would appreciate some insight on the most reliable combination of
JRE 6 and Lucene. I cannot downgrade the JRE to 5 as my code is
deeply dependent
on Java 1.6. Right now, I'm thinking about updating the JRE to 6
update 7 and using the latest nightly Lucene snapshot available here:
Is this a good strategy?
Jamie wrote:
Hi All,
I found something interesting....
Could this error be the result of the bad file descriptor close bug
as described in http://256.com/gray/docs/misc/java_bad_file_descriptor_close_bug.shtml
This would definitely fit the description since this happened on
JRE 1.6u3.... apparently, update 3 suffered from this file
descriptor issue. The fix
is to update the JRE to the latest version (which I believe is
update 7).
Michael, what does one need to do to overcome the other JRE 1.6
bug? Are we still waiting for a JRE update from Sun to address it?
Is there a workaround that we can use in the meantime?
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