Hey Mark,

This sounds very interesting.  Is there any documentation or examples I
could see?  I did a quick search but didn't really find much.  It might just
be that I don't know how payloads work in Lucene, but I'm not sure how I
would see this actually doing what I need.  My reasoning is this...you'd
have an index that stores all the text for a particular page.  Would you be
able to attach payload information to individual words on that page?  In my
head it seems like that would be the job of a second index, which is exactly
why I added the word index.

Any details you can give would be great as I need to keep moving on this
project quickly.  I will also say that I'm somewhat wary of using an
experimental class since this is a really important project that really
won't be able to wait on a lot of development cycles to get the class fully
working.  That said, if it can give me serious speed improvements it's
definitely worth considering.

- Greg

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 12:01 PM, Mark Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If your new to Lucene, this might be a little much (and maybe I am not
> fully understand the problem), but you might try:
> Add the attributes to the words in a payload with a PayloadAnalyzer. Do
> searching as normal. Use the new PayloadSpanUtil class to get the payloads
> for the matching words. (Think of the PayloadSpanUtil as a highlighter - you
> give it a query, it gives you the payloads to the terms that match). The
> PayloadSpanUtil class is a bit experimental, but I'll fix anything you run
> into with it.
> - Mark
> Greg Shackles wrote:
>> Hi Erick,
>> Thanks for the response, sorry that I was somewhat vague in the reasoning
>> for my implementation in the first post.  I should have mentioned that the
>> word details are not details of the Lucene document, but are attributes
>> about the word that I am storing.  Some examples are position on the
>> actual
>> page, color, size, bold/italic/underlined, and most importantly, the text
>> as
>> it appeared on the page.  The reason the last one matters is that things
>> like punctuation, spacing and capitalization can vary between the result
>> and
>> the search term, and can affect how I need to process the results
>> afterwords.  I am certainly open to the idea of a new approach if it would
>> improve on things, I admit I am new to Lucene so if there are options I'm
>> unaware of I'd love to learn about them.
>> Just to sum it up with an example, let's say we have a page of text that
>> stores "This is a page of text."  We want to search for the text "of
>> text",
>> which would span multiple words in the word index.  The final result would
>> need to contain "of" and "text", along with the details about each as
>> described before.  I hope this is more helpful!
>> - Greg
>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 11:17 AM, Erick Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >wrote:
>>> If I may suggest, could you expand upon what you're trying to
>>> accomplish? Why do you care about the detailed information
>>> about each word? The reason I'm suggesting this is "the XY
>>> problem". That is, people often ask for details about a specific
>>> approach when what they really need is a different approach
>>> There are TermFrequencies, TermPositions,
>>> TermVectorOffsetInfo and a bunch of other stuff that I don't
>>> know the details of that may work for you if we had
>>> a better idea of what it is you're trying to accomplish...
>>> Best
>>> Erick
>>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 10:47 AM, Greg Shackles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I hope this isn't a dumb question or anything, I'm fairly new to Lucene
>>> so
>>>> I've been picking it up as I go pretty much.  Without going into too
>>>> much
>>>> detail, I need to store pages of text, and for each word on each page,
>>>> store
>>>> detailed information about it.  To do this, I have 2 indexes:
>>>> 1) pages: this stores the full text of the page, and identifying
>>>> information
>>>> about it
>>>> 2) words: this stores a single word, along with the page it was on and
>>>> is
>>>> stored in the order they appear on the page
>>>> When doing a search, not only do I need to return the page it was found
>>> on,
>>>> but also the details of the matching words.  Since I couldn't think of a
>>>> better way to do it, I first search the pages index and find any
>>>> matching
>>>> pages.  Then I iterate the words on those pages to find where the match
>>>> occurred.  Obviously this is costly as far as execution time goes, but
>>>> at
>>>> least it only has to get done for matching pages rather than every page.
>>>> Searches still take way longer than I'd like though, and the bottleneck
>>> is
>>>> almost entirely in the code to find the matches on the page.
>>>> One simple optimization I can think of is store the pages in smaller
>>> blocks
>>>> so that the scope of the iteration is made smaller.  This is not really
>>>> ideal, since I also need the ability to narrow down results based on
>>> other
>>>> words that can/can't appear on the same page which would mean storing 3
>>>> full
>>>> copies of every word on every page (one in each of the 3 resulting
>>>> indexes).
>>>> I know this isn't a Java performance forum so I'll try to keep this
>>> Lucene
>>>> related, but has anyone done anything similar to this, or have any
>>>> comments/ideas on how to improve it?  I'm in the process of trying to
>>> speed
>>>> things up since I need to perform many searches often over very large
>>> sets
>>>> of pages.  Thanks!
>>>> - Greg
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