     How about implementing your own HitCollector and stop when you have
collected 100 docs with score above certain threshold?

     BTW, are there lotsa concurrent searches?


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:52 PM, Tim Sturge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That makes sense. I should be more precise in that all I need is 100 of the
> 10000 "reasonable" results.
> The concern I would have with a TopDocCollector is that this is biased
> towards the top of the index which translates for me into a bias for older
> documents. I'd prefer no age bias or a newer document bias. So I'll see
> what
> I can do with a "BottomDocCollector" :-)
> Tim
> On 12/4/08 12:39 PM, "Erick Erickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The problem here is how *could* a system return even the top
> > 10,000 results without scoring them all? What if the millionth
> > hit resulted in the very best match in the entire corpus?
> >
> > That said, sorting may well be the issue here rather than scoring.
> > You can use a TopDocCollector to get the top N matches (unsorted)
> > and then do something like use the FieldSortedHitQueue to sort
> > those N matches, leaving out all the rest of the matches. Note
> > this assumes that when you say "sorting" you mean sorting
> > by something other than relevance.....
> >
> > Hope this helps
> > Erick
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 3:27 PM, Tim Sturge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> I have an interesting problem with my query traffic. Most of the queries
> >> run
> >> in a fairly short amount of time (< 100ms) but a few take over 1000ms.
> >> These
> >> queries are predominantly those with a huge number of hits (>1 million
> hits
> >> in a >100 million document index). The time taken (as far as I can tell)
> is
> >> for lucene to sit there while it scores and sorts all these results.
> >>
> >> However it turns out these queries really don¹t have top results. That
> is,
> >> of the million documents, there are easily 10000 which are decent
> results
> >> (basically those above some threshold score). Frankly, just returning
> some
> >> consistent (so paging and reload work) but
> >> otherwise arbitrary ranking of these 10000 results would be more than
> good
> >> enough.
> >>
> >> It seems to me that a solution would be to impose some sort of
> >> pseudo-random
> >> filter (e.g. consider only every n-th document assuming they are
> uniformly
> >> distributed). I¹m wondering if anyone else has experience with this sort
> of
> >> issue and what solutions they have found to work well in practice.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Tim
> >>
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