In my test case I have a set up method that should populate the indexes
before I start using the document searcher.  I will start adding some more
debug statements.  So basically I should be able to do: get() followed by

I will let you know what the outcome is.


On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Michael McCandless <> wrote:

> Is it possible that when you first create the SearcherManager, there is no
> index in each Directory?
> If not... you better start adding diagnostics.  EG inside your get(), print
> out the numDocs() of each IndexReader you get from the SearcherManager?
> Something is wrong and it's best to explain it...
> Mike
> Amin Mohammed-Coleman wrote:
>  Nope. If i remove the maybeReopen the search doesn't work.  It only works
>> when i cal maybeReopen followed by get().
>> Cheers
>> Amin
>> On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Michael McCandless <
>>> wrote:
>>> That's not right; something must be wrong.
>>> get() before maybeReopen() should simply let you search based on the
>>> searcher before reopening.
>>> If you just do get() and don't call maybeReopen() does it work?
>>> Mike
>>> Amin Mohammed-Coleman wrote:
>>> I noticed that if i do the get() before the maybeReopen then I get no
>>>> results.  But otherwise I can change it further.
>>>> On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Michael McCandless <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>  There is no such thing as final code -- code is alive and is always
>>>>> changing ;)
>>>>> It looks good to me.
>>>>> Though one trivial thing is: I would move the code in the try clause up
>>>>> to
>>>>> and including the multiSearcher=get() out above the try.  I always
>>>>> attempt
>>>>> to "shrink wrap" what's inside a try clause to the minimum that needs
>>>>> to
>>>>> be
>>>>> there.  Ie, your code that creates a query, finds the right sort &
>>>>> filter
>>>>> to
>>>>> use, etc, can all happen outside the try, because you have not yet
>>>>> acquired
>>>>> the multiSearcher.
>>>>> If you do that, you also don't need the null check in the finally
>>>>> clause,
>>>>> because multiSearcher must be non-null on entering the try.
>>>>> Mike
>>>>> Amin Mohammed-Coleman wrote:
>>>>> Hi there
>>>>>  Good morning!  Here is the final search code:
>>>>>> public Summary[] search(final SearchRequest searchRequest)
>>>>>> throwsSearchExecutionException {
>>>>>> final String searchTerm = searchRequest.getSearchTerm();
>>>>>> if (StringUtils.isBlank(searchTerm)) {
>>>>>> throw new SearchExecutionException("Search string cannot be empty.
>>>>>> There
>>>>>> will be too many results to process.");
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> List<Summary> summaryList = new ArrayList<Summary>();
>>>>>> StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch("searchStopWatch");
>>>>>> stopWatch.start();
>>>>>> MultiSearcher multiSearcher = null;
>>>>>> try {
>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Ensuring all index readers are up to date...");
>>>>>> maybeReopen();
>>>>>> Query query = queryParser.parse(searchTerm);
>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Search Term '" + searchTerm +"' ----> Lucene Query '" +
>>>>>> query.toString() +"'");
>>>>>> Sort sort = null;
>>>>>> sort = applySortIfApplicable(searchRequest);
>>>>>> Filter[] filters =applyFiltersIfApplicable(searchRequest);
>>>>>> ChainedFilter chainedFilter = null;
>>>>>> if (filters != null) {
>>>>>> chainedFilter = new ChainedFilter(filters, ChainedFilter.OR);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> multiSearcher = get();
>>>>>> TopDocs topDocs =,chainedFilter ,100,sort);
>>>>>> ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = topDocs.scoreDocs;
>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("total number of hits for [" + query.toString() + " ] =
>>>>>> "+topDocs.
>>>>>> totalHits);
>>>>>> for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : scoreDocs) {
>>>>>> final Document doc = multiSearcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc);
>>>>>> float score = scoreDoc.score;
>>>>>> final BaseDocument baseDocument = new BaseDocument(doc, score);
>>>>>> Summary documentSummary = new DocumentSummaryImpl(baseDocument);
>>>>>> summaryList.add(documentSummary);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> } catch (Exception e) {
>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException(e);
>>>>>> } finally {
>>>>>> if (multiSearcher != null) {
>>>>>> release(multiSearcher);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> stopWatch.stop();
>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("total time taken for document seach: " +
>>>>>> stopWatch.getTotalTimeMillis() + " ms");
>>>>>> return summaryList.toArray(new Summary[] {});
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> I hope this makes sense...thanks again!
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Amin
>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 8:09 PM, Michael McCandless <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> You're calling get() too many times.  For every call to get() you must
>>>>>>> match with a call to release().
>>>>>>> So, once at the front of your search method you should:
>>>>>>> MultiSearcher searcher = get();
>>>>>>> then use that searcher to do searching, retrieve docs, etc.
>>>>>>> Then in the finally clause, pass that searcher to release.
>>>>>>> So, only one call to get() and one matching call to release().
>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>> Amin Mohammed-Coleman wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>> The searchers are injected into the class via Spring.  So when a
>>>>>>>> client
>>>>>>>> calls the class it is fully configured with a list of index
>>>>>>>> searchers.
>>>>>>>> However I have removed this list and instead injecting a list of
>>>>>>>> directories which are passed to the DocumentSearchManager.
>>>>>>>> DocumentSearchManager is SearchManager (should've mentioned that
>>>>>>>> earlier).
>>>>>>>> So finally I have modified by release code to do the following:
>>>>>>>> private void release(MultiSearcher multiSeacher) throws Exception {
>>>>>>>> IndexSearcher[] indexSearchers = (IndexSearcher[])
>>>>>>>> multiSeacher.getSearchables();
>>>>>>>> for(int i =0 ; i < indexSearchers.length;i++) {
>>>>>>>> documentSearcherManagers[i].release(indexSearchers[i]);
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> and it's use looks like this:
>>>>>>>> public Summary[] search(final SearchRequest searchRequest)
>>>>>>>> throwsSearchExecutionException {
>>>>>>>> final String searchTerm = searchRequest.getSearchTerm();
>>>>>>>> if (StringUtils.isBlank(searchTerm)) {
>>>>>>>> throw new SearchExecutionException("Search string cannot be empty.
>>>>>>>> There
>>>>>>>> will be too many results to process.");
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> List<Summary> summaryList = new ArrayList<Summary>();
>>>>>>>> StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch("searchStopWatch");
>>>>>>>> stopWatch.start();
>>>>>>>> List<IndexSearcher> indexSearchers = new ArrayList<IndexSearcher>();
>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Ensuring all index readers are up to date...");
>>>>>>>> maybeReopen();
>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("All Index Searchers are up to date. No of index
>>>>>>>> searchers
>>>>>>>> '"
>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>> indexSearchers.size() +"'");
>>>>>>>> Query query = queryParser.parse(searchTerm);
>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Search Term '" + searchTerm +"' ----> Lucene Query '"
>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>> query.toString() +"'");
>>>>>>>> Sort sort = null;
>>>>>>>> sort = applySortIfApplicable(searchRequest);
>>>>>>>> Filter[] filters =applyFiltersIfApplicable(searchRequest);
>>>>>>>> ChainedFilter chainedFilter = null;
>>>>>>>> if (filters != null) {
>>>>>>>> chainedFilter = new ChainedFilter(filters, ChainedFilter.OR);
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> TopDocs topDocs = get().search(query,chainedFilter ,100,sort);
>>>>>>>> ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = topDocs.scoreDocs;
>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("total number of hits for [" + query.toString() + " ] =
>>>>>>>> "+topDocs.
>>>>>>>> totalHits);
>>>>>>>> for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : scoreDocs) {
>>>>>>>> final Document doc = get().doc(scoreDoc.doc);
>>>>>>>> float score = scoreDoc.score;
>>>>>>>> final BaseDocument baseDocument = new BaseDocument(doc, score);
>>>>>>>> Summary documentSummary = new DocumentSummaryImpl(baseDocument);
>>>>>>>> summaryList.add(documentSummary);
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> } catch (Exception e) {
>>>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException(e);
>>>>>>>> } finally {
>>>>>>>> release(get());
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> stopWatch.stop();
>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("total time taken for document seach: " +
>>>>>>>> stopWatch.getTotalTimeMillis() + " ms");
>>>>>>>> return summaryList.toArray(new Summary[] {});
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> So the final post construct constructs the DocumentSearchMangers
>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> list of directories..looking like this
>>>>>>>> @PostConstruct
>>>>>>>> public void initialiseDocumentSearcher() {
>>>>>>>> PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper analyzerWrapper = new
>>>>>>>> PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(
>>>>>>>> analyzer);
>>>>>>>> analyzerWrapper.addAnalyzer(FieldNameEnum.TYPE.getDescription(),
>>>>>>>> newKeywordAnalyzer());
>>>>>>>> queryParser =
>>>>>>>> newMultiFieldQueryParser(FieldNameEnum.fieldNameDescriptions(),
>>>>>>>> analyzerWrapper);
>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Initialising multi searcher ....");
>>>>>>>> documentSearcherManagers = new
>>>>>>>> DocumentSearcherManager[directories.size()];
>>>>>>>> for (int i = 0; i < directories.size() ;i++) {
>>>>>>>> Directory directory = directories.get(i);
>>>>>>>> DocumentSearcherManager documentSearcherManager =
>>>>>>>> newDocumentSearcherManager(directory);
>>>>>>>> documentSearcherManagers[i]=documentSearcherManager;
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("multi searcher initialised");
>>>>>>>> } catch (IOException e) {
>>>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException(e);
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>> Amin
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Michael McCandless <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I don't understand where searchers comes from, prior to
>>>>>>>>  initializeDocumentSearcher?  You should, instead, simply create the
>>>>>>>>> SearcherManager (from your Directory instances).  You don't need
>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>> searchers during initialize.
>>>>>>>>> Is DocumentSearcherManager the same as SearcherManager (just
>>>>>>>>> renamed)?
>>>>>>>>> The release method is wrong -- you're calling .get() and then
>>>>>>>>> immediately release.  Instead, you should step through the
>>>>>>>>> searchers
>>>>>>>>> from your MultiSearcher and release them to each SearcherManager.
>>>>>>>>> You should call your release() in a finally clause.
>>>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>>>> Amin Mohammed-Coleman wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Sorry...i'm getting slightly confused.
>>>>>>>>> I have a PostConstruct which is where I should create an array of
>>>>>>>>>  SearchManagers (per indexSeacher).  From there I initialise the
>>>>>>>>>> multisearcher using the get().  After which I need to call
>>>>>>>>>> maybeReopen
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> each IndexSearcher.  So I'll do the following:
>>>>>>>>>> @PostConstruct
>>>>>>>>>> public void initialiseDocumentSearcher() {
>>>>>>>>>> PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper analyzerWrapper = new
>>>>>>>>>> PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(
>>>>>>>>>> analyzer);
>>>>>>>>>> analyzerWrapper.addAnalyzer(FieldNameEnum.TYPE.getDescription(),
>>>>>>>>>> newKeywordAnalyzer());
>>>>>>>>>> queryParser =
>>>>>>>>>> newMultiFieldQueryParser(FieldNameEnum.fieldNameDescriptions(),
>>>>>>>>>> analyzerWrapper);
>>>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Initialising multi searcher ....");
>>>>>>>>>> documentSearcherManagers = new
>>>>>>>>>> DocumentSearcherManager[searchers.size()];
>>>>>>>>>> for (int i = 0; i < searchers.size() ;i++) {
>>>>>>>>>> IndexSearcher indexSearcher = searchers.get(i);
>>>>>>>>>> Directory directory = indexSearcher.getIndexReader().directory();
>>>>>>>>>> DocumentSearcherManager documentSearcherManager =
>>>>>>>>>> newDocumentSearcherManager(directory);
>>>>>>>>>> documentSearcherManagers[i]=documentSearcherManager;
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("multi searcher initialised");
>>>>>>>>>> } catch (IOException e) {
>>>>>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException(e);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> This initialises search managers.  I then have methods:
>>>>>>>>>> private void maybeReopen() throws Exception {
>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Initiating reopening of index readers...");
>>>>>>>>>> for (DocumentSearcherManager documentSearcherManager :
>>>>>>>>>> documentSearcherManagers) {
>>>>>>>>>> documentSearcherManager.maybeReopen();
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> private void release() throws Exception {
>>>>>>>>>> for (DocumentSearcherManager documentSearcherManager :
>>>>>>>>>> documentSearcherManagers) {
>>>>>>>>>> documentSearcherManager.release(documentSearcherManager.get());
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> private MultiSearcher get() {
>>>>>>>>>> List<IndexSearcher> listOfIndexSeachers = new
>>>>>>>>>> ArrayList<IndexSearcher>();
>>>>>>>>>> for (DocumentSearcherManager documentSearcherManager :
>>>>>>>>>> documentSearcherManagers) {
>>>>>>>>>> listOfIndexSeachers.add(documentSearcherManager.get());
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>>>> multiSearcher = new
>>>>>>>>>> MultiSearcher(listOfIndexSeachers.toArray(newIndexSearcher[] {}));
>>>>>>>>>> } catch (IOException e) {
>>>>>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException(e);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> return multiSearcher;
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> These methods are used in the following manner in the search code:
>>>>>>>>>> public Summary[] search(final SearchRequest searchRequest)
>>>>>>>>>> throwsSearchExecutionException {
>>>>>>>>>> final String searchTerm = searchRequest.getSearchTerm();
>>>>>>>>>> if (StringUtils.isBlank(searchTerm)) {
>>>>>>>>>> throw new SearchExecutionException("Search string cannot be empty.
>>>>>>>>>> There
>>>>>>>>>> will be too many results to process.");
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> List<Summary> summaryList = new ArrayList<Summary>();
>>>>>>>>>> StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch("searchStopWatch");
>>>>>>>>>> stopWatch.start();
>>>>>>>>>> List<IndexSearcher> indexSearchers = new
>>>>>>>>>> ArrayList<IndexSearcher>();
>>>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Ensuring all index readers are up to date...");
>>>>>>>>>> maybeReopen();
>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("All Index Searchers are up to date. No of index
>>>>>>>>>> searchers
>>>>>>>>>> '"
>>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>> indexSearchers.size() +"'");
>>>>>>>>>> Query query = queryParser.parse(searchTerm);
>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Search Term '" + searchTerm +"' ----> Lucene Query
>>>>>>>>>> '"
>>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>> query.toString() +"'");
>>>>>>>>>> Sort sort = null;
>>>>>>>>>> sort = applySortIfApplicable(searchRequest);
>>>>>>>>>> Filter[] filters =applyFiltersIfApplicable(searchRequest);
>>>>>>>>>> ChainedFilter chainedFilter = null;
>>>>>>>>>> if (filters != null) {
>>>>>>>>>> chainedFilter = new ChainedFilter(filters, ChainedFilter.OR);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> TopDocs topDocs = get().search(query,chainedFilter ,100,sort);
>>>>>>>>>> ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = topDocs.scoreDocs;
>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("total number of hits for [" + query.toString() + " ]
>>>>>>>>>> =
>>>>>>>>>> "+topDocs.
>>>>>>>>>> totalHits);
>>>>>>>>>> for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : scoreDocs) {
>>>>>>>>>> final Document doc = get().doc(scoreDoc.doc);
>>>>>>>>>> float score = scoreDoc.score;
>>>>>>>>>> final BaseDocument baseDocument = new BaseDocument(doc, score);
>>>>>>>>>> Summary documentSummary = new DocumentSummaryImpl(baseDocument);
>>>>>>>>>> summaryList.add(documentSummary);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> release();
>>>>>>>>>> } catch (Exception e) {
>>>>>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException(e);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> stopWatch.stop();
>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("total time taken for document seach: " +
>>>>>>>>>> stopWatch.getTotalTimeMillis() + " ms");
>>>>>>>>>> return summaryList.toArray(new Summary[] {});
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> Does this look better?  Again..I really really appreciate your
>>>>>>>>>> help!
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Michael McCandless <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> This is not quite right -- you should only create SearcherManager
>>>>>>>>>> once
>>>>>>>>>> (per Direcotry) at startup/app load, not with every search
>>>>>>>>>> request.
>>>>>>>>>>> And I don't see release -- it must call SearcherManager.release
>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>> each of the IndexSearchers previously returned from get().
>>>>>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>>>>>> Amin Mohammed-Coleman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again for helping on a Sunday!
>>>>>>>>>>>  I have now modified my maybeOpen() to do the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>> private void maybeReopen() throws Exception {
>>>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Initiating reopening of index readers...");
>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexSearcher[] indexSearchers = (IndexSearcher[]) multiSearcher
>>>>>>>>>>>> .getSearchables();
>>>>>>>>>>>> for (IndexSearcher indexSearcher : indexSearchers) {
>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexReader indexReader = indexSearcher.getIndexReader();
>>>>>>>>>>>> SearcherManager documentSearcherManager = new
>>>>>>>>>>>> SearcherManager(;
>>>>>>>>>>>> documentSearcherManager.maybeReopen();
>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>> And get() to:
>>>>>>>>>>>> private synchronized MultiSearcher get() {
>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexSearcher[] indexSearchers = (IndexSearcher[]) multiSearcher
>>>>>>>>>>>> .getSearchables();
>>>>>>>>>>>> List<IndexSearcher>  indexSearchersList = new
>>>>>>>>>>>> ArrayList<IndexSearcher>();
>>>>>>>>>>>> for (IndexSearcher indexSearcher : indexSearchers) {
>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexReader indexReader = indexSearcher.getIndexReader();
>>>>>>>>>>>> SearcherManager documentSearcherManager = null;
>>>>>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>>>>>> documentSearcherManager = new
>>>>>>>>>>>> SearcherManager(;
>>>>>>>>>>>> } catch (IOException e) {
>>>>>>>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException(e);
>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>> indexSearchersList.add(documentSearcherManager.get());
>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>>>>>> multiSearcher = new
>>>>>>>>>>>> MultiSearcher(indexSearchersList.toArray(newIndexSearcher[]
>>>>>>>>>>>> {}));
>>>>>>>>>>>> } catch (IOException e) {
>>>>>>>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException(e);
>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>> return multiSearcher;
>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>> This makes all my test pass.  I am using the SearchManager that
>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended.  Does this look ok?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:38 PM, Michael McCandless <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Your maybeReopen has an excess incRef().
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure how you open the searchers in the first place?  The
>>>>>>>>>>>>  list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> starts as empty, and nothing populates it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When you do the initial population, you need an incRef.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think you're hitting IllegalStateException because
>>>>>>>>>>>>> maybeReopen
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> closing a reader before get() can get it (since they
>>>>>>>>>>>>> synchronize
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> different objects).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd recommend switching to the SearcherManager class.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instantiate
>>>>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for each of your searchers.  On each search request, go through
>>>>>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and call maybeReopen(), and then call get() and gather each
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexSearcher instance into a new array.  Then, make a new
>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultiSearcher (opposite of what I said before): while that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> creates
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> small amount of garbage, it'll keep your code simpler (good
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tradeoff).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amin Mohammed-Coleman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sorrry I added
>>>>>>>>>>>>> release(multiSearcher);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead of multiSearcher.close();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Amin Mohammed-Coleman <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Hi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I've now done the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public Summary[] search(final SearchRequest searchRequest)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> throwsSearchExecutionException {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> final String searchTerm = searchRequest.getSearchTerm();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if (StringUtils.isBlank(searchTerm)) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> throw new SearchExecutionException("Search string cannot be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> empty.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be too many results to process.");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> List<Summary> summaryList = new ArrayList<Summary>();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch("searchStopWatch");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stopWatch.start();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> List<IndexSearcher> indexSearchers = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ArrayList<IndexSearcher>();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Ensuring all index readers are up to date...");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maybeReopen();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("All Index Searchers are up to date. No of index
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> searchers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '"+ indexSearchers.size() +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "'");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Query query = queryParser.parse(searchTerm);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Search Term '" + searchTerm +"' ----> Lucene
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Query
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query.toString() +"'");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sort sort = null;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sort = applySortIfApplicable(searchRequest);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Filter[] filters =applyFiltersIfApplicable(searchRequest);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ChainedFilter chainedFilter = null;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if (filters != null) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chainedFilter = new ChainedFilter(filters, ChainedFilter.OR);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TopDocs topDocs = get().search(query,chainedFilter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ,100,sort);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = topDocs.scoreDocs;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("total number of hits for [" + query.toString()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "+topDocs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> totalHits);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : scoreDocs) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> final Document doc = multiSearcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> float score = scoreDoc.score;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> final BaseDocument baseDocument = new BaseDocument(doc,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> score);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Summary documentSummary = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DocumentSummaryImpl(baseDocument);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> summaryList.add(documentSummary);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> multiSearcher.close();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> } catch (Exception e) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException(e);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stopWatch.stop();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("total time taken for document seach: " +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stopWatch.getTotalTimeMillis() + " ms");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> return summaryList.toArray(new Summary[] {});
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And have the following methods:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @PostConstruct
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public void initialiseQueryParser() {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper analyzerWrapper = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analyzer);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analyzerWrapper.addAnalyzer(FieldNameEnum.TYPE.getDescription(),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> newKeywordAnalyzer());
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> queryParser =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> newMultiFieldQueryParser(FieldNameEnum.fieldNameDescriptions(),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analyzerWrapper);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("Initialising multi searcher ....");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this.multiSearcher = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultiSearcher(searchers.toArray(newIndexSearcher[] {}));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOGGER.debug("multi searcher initialised");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> } catch (IOException e) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException(e);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initialises mutltisearcher when this class is creared by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spring.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> private synchronized void swapMultiSearcher(MultiSearcher
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> newMultiSearcher)  {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> release(multiSearcher);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> } catch (IOException e) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException(e);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> multiSearcher = newMultiSearcher;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public void maybeReopen() throws IOException {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultiSearcher newMultiSeacher = null;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> boolean refreshMultiSeacher = false;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> List<IndexSearcher> indexSearchers = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ArrayList<IndexSearcher>();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> synchronized (searchers) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for (IndexSearcher indexSearcher: searchers) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexReader reader = indexSearcher.getIndexReader();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reader.incRef();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Directory directory =;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> long currentVersion = reader.getVersion();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if (IndexReader.getCurrentVersion(directory) !=
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> currentVersion)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexReader newReader =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexSearcher.getIndexReader().reopen();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if (newReader != reader) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reader.decRef();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> refreshMultiSeacher = true;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reader = newReader;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexSearcher newSearcher = new IndexSearcher(newReader);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexSearchers.add(newSearcher);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if (refreshMultiSeacher) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> newMultiSeacher = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultiSearcher(indexSearchers.toArray(newIndexSearcher[] {}));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> warm(newMultiSeacher);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> swapMultiSearcher(newMultiSeacher);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> private void warm(MultiSearcher newMultiSeacher) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> private synchronized MultiSearcher get() {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for (IndexSearcher indexSearcher: searchers) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexSearcher.getIndexReader().incRef();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> return multiSearcher;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> private synchronized void release(MultiSearcher
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> multiSearcher)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> throwsIOException {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for (IndexSearcher indexSearcher: searchers) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexSearcher.getIndexReader().decRef();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However I am now getting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.IllegalStateException:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexReader
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> closed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the call:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> private synchronized MultiSearcher get() {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for (IndexSearcher indexSearcher: searchers) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexSearcher.getIndexReader().incRef();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> return multiSearcher;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm doing something wrong ..obviously..not sure where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> though..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Michael McCandless <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was wondering the same thing ;)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's best to call this method from a single BG "warming"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thread,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case it would not need its own synchronization.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But, to be safe, I'll add internal synchronization to it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  You
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simply put synchronized in front of the method, since you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> block searching.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amin Mohammed-Coleman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just a quick point:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public void maybeReopen() throws IOException {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //D
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> long currentVersion =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> currentSearcher.getIndexReader().getVersion();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if (IndexReader.getCurrentVersion(dir) != currentVersion) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexReader newReader =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> currentSearcher.getIndexReader().reopen();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assert newReader != currentSearcher.getIndexReader();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexSearcher newSearcher = new IndexSearcher(newReader);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> warm(newSearcher);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> swapSearcher(newSearcher);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should the above be synchronised?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Amin Mohammed-Coleman <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks.  i will between giving my baby her feed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> playing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the other child and my wife who wants me to do several
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Michael McCandless <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amin Mohammed-Coleman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Thanks for your input.  I would like to have a go at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> myself
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first, Solr may be an option.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * You are creating a new Analyzer & QueryParser every
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating unnecessary garbage; instead, they should be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> created
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> once
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> & reused.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- I can moved the code out so that it is only created
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> once
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reused.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * You always make a new IndexSearcher and a new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultiSearcher
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when nothing has changed.  This just generates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unnecessary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> garbage
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which GC then must sweep up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- This was something I thought about.  I could move it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> created once.  However I presume inside my code i need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> check
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whether
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexreaders are update to date.  This needs to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> synchronized
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guess(?)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes you should synchronize the check for whether the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexReader
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> current.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * I don't see any synchronization -- it looks like two
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> search
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> requests are allowed into this method at the same time?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dangerous... eg both (or, more) will wastefully reopen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> readers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  --  So i need to extract the logic for reopening and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> synchronisation mechanism.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok.  So I have some work to do.  I'll refactor the code
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inline to your recommendations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Michael McCandless <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On a quick look, I think there are a few problems with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * I don't see any synchronization -- it looks like two
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> search
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> requests are allowed into this method at the same time?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dangerous... eg both (or, more) will wastefully reopen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> readers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * You are over-incRef'ing (the reader.incRef inside the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loop)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't see a corresponding decRef.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * You reopen and warm your searchers "live" (vs with BG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thread);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meaning the unlucky search request that hits a reopen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pays
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cost.  This might be OK if the index is small enough
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reopening & warming takes very little time.  But if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gets
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> large, making a random search pay that warming cost is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nice
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the end user.  It erodes their trust in you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * You always make a new IndexSearcher and a new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultiSearcher
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when nothing has changed.  This just generates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unnecessary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> garbage
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which GC then must sweep up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * You are creating a new Analyzer & QueryParser every
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating unnecessary garbage; instead, they should be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> created
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> once
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> & reused.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should consider simply using Solr -- it handles all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you and has been well debugged with time...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amin Mohammed-Coleman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The reason for the indexreader.reopen is because I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> webapp
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enables users to upload files and then search for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documents.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reopen i'm concerned that the facet hit counter won't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> updated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 8:32 PM, Amin Mohammed-Coleman
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been able to get the code working for my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenario,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> question and I was wondering if I could get some help.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexSearchers which are used in a MultiSearcher
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> class.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexsearchers to get each indexreader and put them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultiIndexReader.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexReader[] readers = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexReader[searchables.length];
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for (int i =0 ; i < searchables.length;i++) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexSearcher indexSearcher =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (IndexSearcher)searchables[i];
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> readers[i] = indexSearcher.getIndexReader();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexReader newReader = readers[i].reopen();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if (newReader != readers[i]) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> readers[i].close();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> readers[i] = newReader;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> multiReader = new MultiReader(readers);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OpenBitSetFacetHitCounter facetHitCounter =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> newOpenBitSetFacetHitCounter();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IndexSearcher(multiReader);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I then use the indexseacher to do the facet stuff.  I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> closing the multireader.  This is causing problems in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> method
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do some other search as the indexreaders are closed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ok
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> close
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the multiindexreader or should I do some additional
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> checks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> method to see if the indexreader is closed?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P.S. Hope that made sense...!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 7:20 AM, Amin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mohammed-Coleman
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks just what I needed!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 22 Feb 2009, at 16:11, Marcelo Ochoa <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Amin:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please take a look a this blog post:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards, Marcelo.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Amin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mohammed-Coleman
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry to re send this email but I was wondering if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  on this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 16 Feb 2009, at 20:37, Amin Mohammed-Coleman <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am looking at building a faceted search using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lucene.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Solr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comes with this built in, however I would like to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> try
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> myself
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (something to add to my CV!).  I have been
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> around
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can use the IndexReader and use TermVectors.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ok
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure how to filter the results so that a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particular
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subset of results.  The next option I was looking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Term term1 = new Term("brand", "ford");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Term term2 = new Term("brand", "vw");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Term[] termsArray = new Term[] { term1, term2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> };un
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> int[] docFreqs =
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexSearcher.docFreqs(termsArray);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The only problem here is that I have to provide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brand
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new brand is created.  Again I'm not sure how I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It may be that I'm using the wrong api methods to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would be grateful if I could get some advice on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P.S.  I am basically trying to do something that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> displays
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Personal Contact (23) Business Contact (45) and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marcelo F. Ochoa
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ______________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Want to integrate Lucene and Oracle?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is Oracle 11g REST ready?
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