: For a SpanNearQuery that contains SpanTermQueries, the score for a match on
: "the quick brown fox" would be lower than a match on "brown fox" because of
: the edit distance (4 vs 2). This seems counter intuitive, too.

you have to clarify what you mean ... 

if you're talking about a SpanNearQuery of "the quick brown fox" vs a 
SpanNearQuery of "brown fox" -- both against some doc like "hey look, the 
quick brown fox jumped very high" -- then sure, that doc might produce a 
lower score for the first query then it does for the second query ... but 
scores from differnet queries aren't comparable.

if you mean that a doc containing "the quick brown fox" will score lower 
then a doc containing just "brown fox" then you have to elaborate on waht 
query structure you're talking about where this is true.


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