ok, but I need to know how to proceed with it.
I mean how to include to my application

many thanks

Seid M

On 3/24/09, Koji Sekiguchi <k...@r.email.ne.jp> wrote:
> Seid Mohammed wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I want my lucene to index documents and making some terms to have more
>> boost value.
>> so, if I index the document "The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog"
>> and I want the term fox and dog to have greater boost value.
>> How can I do that
>> Thanks a lot
>> seid M
> How about using BoostingTermQuery and Payload?
> 1. In your Analyzer, put a value (boost value, for example) into payload
> of Token "fox" and "dog".
> 2. Define your Similarity and override scorePayload() method to boost
> marked token.
> 3. Use your Similarity when construct IndexSearcher, and use
> BoostingTermQuery when searching.
> regards,
> Koji
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