Seid Mohammed wrote:
ok, but I need to know how to proceed with it.
I mean how to include to my application

many thanks

Seid M

You may want to look at the following articles:

articles are in Japanese, but ignore them. :)
Program snippets are there regarding Payload/BoostTermQuery/scorePayload().


On 3/24/09, Koji Sekiguchi <> wrote:
Seid Mohammed wrote:
Hi All
I want my lucene to index documents and making some terms to have more
boost value.
so, if I index the document "The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog"
and I want the term fox and dog to have greater boost value.
How can I do that

Thanks a lot

seid M

How about using BoostingTermQuery and Payload?

1. In your Analyzer, put a value (boost value, for example) into payload
of Token "fox" and "dog".
2. Define your Similarity and override scorePayload() method to boost
marked token.
3. Use your Similarity when construct IndexSearcher, and use
BoostingTermQuery when searching.



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