Sorry for the slow response.

It's really not clear when 2.9 will be released.  We have accumulated
a number of good improvements -- higher performance field sorting, new
higher performance Collector (replaces HitCollector) API,
segment-based searching, attaching a String label to each commit from
IndexWriter, new TokenStream API, near real-time searching,
refactoring of MultiTermQuery & its subclasses, new TrieRangeQuery
does much faster numeric range searching, cloning IndexReader, and
other stuff, so I think we really should do a release soon.

The challenge is development is very active right now -- there are
many interesting improvements in flight still.

So it's not clear.


On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Zhang, Lisheng
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I know lucene 2.9 would be the next release, do we have
> the release date yet (roughly, 6 months away, or longer)?
> Knowing this would help us to schedule our work, thanks
> for helps!
> Lisheng
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