
I tried your suggestion:

"+courseName:cooking +mandatory:Y"

it still matches the student who attends a non-mandatory cooking
course, and another mandatory course, which is not what I want. The
only reason I was using "AND" in my query, was to be explicit about how
the predicates should be combined, rather than relying on the default
(which is in fact "AND"). Incidentally, I also posted a description of
my problem to stackoverflow. The most useful response I got was:

"What you are trying to do is sometimes known
as "scoped search" or "xml search" - the ability to search based on a
set of related sub-elements. Lucene does not support this natively but
there are some tricks you can do to get it to work. You can put all of the 
course data associated with a student in a
single field. Then bump the term position by a fixed amount (like 100)
between the terms for each course. You can then do a proximity search
with phrase queries or span queries to force a match for attributes of
a single course. This is how Solr supports multi-valued fields." 
it seems like Lucene simply doesn't support this kind of query. This is
surprising to me, but based on my experience over the last few days, it
appears to be true. I've tried using Luke to check the data in the
index, but I'm not entirely sure what to look for. Any help you could
provide with this would be much appreciated.



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