Basically the classes I'm indexing have the following relationships:

Student 1------* Attendance 1------* Course

only root class is Student, i.e. only instances of this class can be
returned from a search. I have a Student object graph that could be
represented in JSON as follows:

  name: Bob,
  attendances: [
    {mandatory: N, course: {name: cooking}},
    {mandatory: Y, course: {name: art}}]

When I search for an instance of Student using the query:

  "+courseName:cooking +mandatory:Y"

is returned because, because he attends a course named "cooking" and he
attends a mandatory course (named "art).. But what I really want to
search for is students that attend a mandatory cooking course. It
doesn't appear to be possible to do this based on the responses
provided here:

opened the Student index in Luke, exported it to XML and have appended
the results here:

I don't really know how to interpret this
myself, but thanks in advance for any further help you can provide.

- Don


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