You're pretty much spot on.  Read the FAQ entry "Does Lucene allow
searching and indexing simultaneously?" for one of your questions (the
answer is yes btw).  With only a single update app running there won't
be any locking issues.  When the updater code opens the index you'll
need to ensure that it doesn't create a new index, otherwise carry on
calling Document.add() as before.


On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 5:42 PM, <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I still am new to Lucene, but I think I have an initial indexer app (based on 
> the demo IndexFiles app) working, and also have a web app, based on the demo 
> luceneweb web app working.
> I'm still busy tweaking both, but am starting to think ahead, about 
> operational type issues, esp. updating indexes.
> The situation I have is a little specific.  In particular, once a document is 
> indexed via Lucene, we will, theoretically, never need to or want to remove 
> that document.  But, we will have new documents that will need to be added 
> periodically.
> In other words, I think the terminology would be that we woud just be 
> "inserting" documents (and updating the Lucene index), never "updating" or 
> "deleting" documents.
> From some research I've done, it seems like the way to accomplish this would 
> be to just add the new documents, using Document.add(), as I did with the 
> initial indexer, but having a new "update" app that makes sure that it is 
> only adding documents that have not been added previously.
> Is this correct?
> Assuming that the above is correct, is it going to be possible to keep the 
> search web app running while the new update app is doing its job?
> Are there things that I need to worry about in the update app, such as 
> locking, etc.?   Note that we would only have a single update app running, 
> i.e., we won't have any situations where we'd have multiple updates running 
> simultaneously.
> If so, what are they?
> Specifically, what I'm looking for is, other than ensuring not to add 
> previously-added documents, what is different between the original indexer 
> code and the update indexer code?
> Thanks,
> Jim
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