
I am trying to compute the counts of terms of the documents returned by running a query using a TermVectorMapper. I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a faster way to do this rather than using a HashMap with a TermVectorMapper to store the counts of the terms and calling getTermFreqVector().
I do not require the term frequency within a document.


HashMap termDocCount = new HashMap();
TermQuery tagQuery = new TermQuery(tagTerm);
TopDocs docs = searcher.search(tagQuery, numDocs);
for (int i=0 ; i<docs.scoreDocs.length; ++i) {
        ScoreDoc sdoc=docs.scoreDocs[i];
        Document doc = ir.document(sdoc.doc);
        //iterate over a subset of index fields
        for (int j=0; j <fieldNames.length; ++j) {
                String fieldName=fieldNames[j];
                DocTermVectorMapper vMapper=new 
                ir.getTermFreqVector(sdoc.doc, fieldName,vMapper);

 private class DocTermVectorMapper extends TermVectorMapper {
        private HashMap termDocCount;
        private String currField;
        DocTermVectorMapper(HashMap termDocCount) {
        public boolean isIgnoringOffsets() {
                return true;
        public boolean isIgnoringPositions() {
                return true;

public void map(String term, int frequency, TermVectorOffsetInfo[] offsets, int[] positions) {
                Term t=new Term(currField,term);
                if (!termDocCount.containsKey(t))
                        termDocCount.put(t, new Int());
                else {

public void setExpectations(String field, int numTerms, boolean storeOffsets, boolean storePositions) {

 private class Int {
        int x;
        Int() {
          x = 1;

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