

I have a StandardAnalyzer working which retrieves words and frequencies from
a single document using a TermVectorMapper which is populating a HashMap.


But if I use the following text as a field in my document, i.e. 


addDoc(w, "lucene Lawton-Browne Lucene");


The word frequencies returned in the HashMap are:


browne 1

lucene 2

lawton 1


The problem is the words 'lawton' and 'browne'. If this is an actual
'double-barreled' name, can Lucene recognise it as 'Lawton-Browne' where the
name is actually a single word?


I've tried combinations of:


addDoc(w, "lucene \"Lawton-Browne\" Lucene");


And single quotes but without success.




Martin O'Shea.




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