Does it make any sense?
 Every time a search result is shown, the original document could have been 
changed,  no matter how fast the indexing speed is.
If you can accept this inconsistency, you do not need to index so frequently at 
------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "software visualization"<>;
Date:  Wed, Dec 29, 2010 06:06 AM
To:  "java-user"<>; 

Subject:  Using Lucene to search live, being-edited documents

This has probably been asked before but I couldn't find it, so...

Is it possible / advisable / practical to use Lucene as the  basis of a live
document search capability? By "live document" I mean a largish document
such as a word processor might be able to handle which is being edited
currently. Examples would be Word documents of some size that are begin
written, really huge Java files, etc.

The user is sitting there typing away and of course everything is changing
in real time. This seems to be orthogonal to the idea of a Lucene index
which is costly to construct  and costly to update.


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