Our apps use highlighting, and I expect that highlighting is an expensive operation since it requires processing the text of the documents, but I ran a test and was surprised just how expensive it is. I made a test index with three fields: path, modified, and contents. I made the index using org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexFiles modified so that the contents field is stored and analyzed:

          doc.add(new Field("contents", false, buf.toString(),

There are about 8000 documents in the index, and the contents field averages around 7500 bytes. The total index directory size is about 242M.

I ran a modified version of the demo.SearchFiles class that doesn't print anything out (printing results takes most of the time for faster queries), and runs random queries drawn from the text of the documents: these are a mix of (mostly) term queries, and about 20% phrase queries (that are phrases from the text).

I compared a few cases: no field access, un-highlighted retrieval, highlighting, Highlighter and FastVectorHighlighter, always asking for 10 top scoring docs per query, and running at least 1000 queries for each case.

No field access at all gets about 7000 qps; basically we just call searcher.search(query, 10)

Then there is a big cost for retrieving the stored documents from the index:

Retrieving each document (calling search.doc(docID)) and the path field only (a small field) gets about 250 qps

As a comparison, if I don't store the contents field in the index (and don't retrieve it at all), I get similar performance to the no retrieval case (around 7000 qps). OK - so there is a fair amount of I/O required to retrieve the stored doc; this may be unavoidable, although do consider that for highlighting only a small portion of the doc may ultimately be required.

Then another big penalty is paid for highlighting:

Highlighter gets about 60 qps

And finally I am really mystified about this one:

FastVectorHighlighter gets about 20 qps. There is a lot of variance here (say 9-44 qps), although always worse than Highlighter.

If these results hold up I'll be astonished, since they imply:

(1) FVH is not fast
(2) Highlighting consumes most processing time (around 80%) in the best case, as compared to just retrieving un-highlighted documents.

and the follow on is that at least for users that need highlighting, there is hardly any point in optimizing anything else!

I thought maybe FVH required a lot of memory, so I changed the -Xmx512m (from the default: 64m I think), but this had no effect.

I also tried optimizing the index, and although this improved query performance somewhat across the board, it actually accentuated the cost of highlighting since the most marked improvement was in the basic unhighlighted query.

Here is what the highlighting looks like:

For FVH we allocate a single SimpleFragsListBuilder, SimpleFragmentBuilder, preTags[1], postTags[1] and DefaultEncoder so these don't have to be created for each query. We also cache the FastVectorHighlighter itself, and we call:

highlighter.getBestFragment(highlighter.getFieldQuery(query), searcher.getIndexReader(), hits[i].doc, "contents", 40, flb, fb, preTags, postTags, encoder);

once for each result.

In the Highlighter case, we also cache the Highlighter and call:

highlighter.getBestFragment(analyzer, "contents", doc.get("contents"));

does this performance profile match up with your expectations? Did I do something stupid? Please let me know if I can provide more info. I'm considering what can be done to speed up highlighting, but don't want to go off half-cocked..

Michael Sokolov
Engineering Director

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