This sounds plausible, even if manually cleaning the Java cache has no effect. Probably a JDK/JRE mismatch somewhere, just have to find the spot.


Am 12.07.2011 19:22, schrieb Robert Muir:
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 10:42 AM, "René Hackl"<>  wrote:

I am running some AutomatonQueries and see caching effects happening, that I 
can't seem to get rid of. E.g. an AutomatonQuery takes

Run 1: 3000 ms
Run 2 and all subsequent runs: 250 ms

The IndexSearcher is closed after every full query circle (and opened via 
open(Directory), so the IndexReader should be closed, too, right?). I have 
changed indexes, restarted Eclipse, and run GC to no effect. I am thinking 
FieldCache.purge might help, but how do i get there?

Also, how to reasonably assess execution times for AQs? The very first runs can last pretty long, 
yet cached queries are fast. Overlap seems to benefit queries down the line, e.g. 
"*ration" is much faster if sometime before "*ation" has been run. Would it be 
feasible to warm an index with the most frequent ngrams for AutomatonQueries?

This is probably just your OS caching? this query has no caching.

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