You're right, those cases won't be covered, and probably can't be without some 
hacking at the NearSpans* classes.  The other niggle I've found is that it 
doesn't play well with highlighting - you get the entire span highlighted, 
rather than the individual terms within it.

For NOT WITHIN queries, I use the following:

X NOT WITHIN/5 Y -> SpanNotQuery(X, SpanNear(X, Y, 5))

which finds all instances of X, and then removes any that are also within 5 of 

On 17 May 2012, at 20:02, Chris Harris wrote:

> First impression is, that's a reasonably clever way to get the user
> intent basically right without having to add a new SpanQuery. Have you
> come up with any edge cases where it could do something unexpected?
> So far I've thought of one, though you could argue it has more to do
> with the "minimum/lazy/nonoverlapping match" nature of SpanQuery than
> with your particular implementation of "and": Suppose there's a
> document whose complete text is
>    B A x A x x x x C
> From my hypothetical user's perspective, this should match the query
> [A w/5 (B and C)], because the second "A" is within slop 5 of both B
> and C. However, because SpanNear only does minimum-ish matches, this
> document *won't* match the rewritten query SpanNear(A, spanNear(A, B,
> 5), spanNear(A, C, 5), 0); the only span generated for the SpanNear(A,
> B, 5) subquery will be "B A", and the only span for SpanNear(A, C, 5)
> will be "A x x x x C", and those two are not adjacent, so there's no
> match for the outer SpanNear.
> Also, while we're exploring your solution, do you also have a rule to
> cover "not"?
> On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 12:58 AM, Alan Woodward
> <> wrote:
>> I've just had to implement exactly this - the solution I came up with was to 
>> translate:
>> A w/5 (B and C) -> SpanNear(A, spanNear(A, B, 5), spanNear(A, C, 5), 0)
>> A w/5 (B or C) -> OR(spanNear(A, B, 5), spanNear(A, C, 5))
>> More complex queries (such as (A AND B) w/5 (C AND D)) are dealt with by 
>> applying the above rules recursively.  You do end up with some horribly 
>> overcomplicated queries, but it seems to be performant enough.
>> On 17 May 2012, at 04:38, Mike Sokolov wrote:
>>> It sounds me as if there could be a market for a new kind of query that 
>>> would implement:
>>> A w/5 (B and C)
>>> in the way that people understand it to mean - the same A near both B and 
>>> C, not just any A.
>>> Maybe it's too hard to implement using rewrites into existing SpanQueries?
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