
I'm trying to optimize an index we have, and one thing that has come up
recently is that we're not really using term frequencies, and we don't need
any scoring.  We noticed that the term frequencies (.doc files) are a
significant chunk of the total index size, and we'd like to reduce those,
or eliminate them, if at all possible.

We don't do any sort of ranking, or scoring, and so I believe wouldn't need
to store, or to use, any term frequencies (please correct me if I'm wrong
on this assumption). The way our indexes work, we want to always return all
matching documents, regardless of the amount of documents returned.

I've been looking at several things, specifically the
FieldInfo.IndexOptions and creating a custom FieldType that implements
IndexableFieldType, so that it would not store any of the TermVector info.
 However, I want to make sure I'm on the right path, before I start
changing our app.

Does the above make sense at all, or do I need to look at something else?


Marcos Juarez

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