I'm not sure that I follow ... where do you see DocMap being loaded up
front? Specifically, Sorter.sort may return null of the readers are already
sorted ... I think we already optimized for the case where the readers are


On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 4:04 AM, Ravikumar Govindarajan <
ravikumar.govindara...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am planning to use SortingMergePolicy where all the merge-participating
> segments are already sorted... I understand that I need to define a DocMap
> with old-new doc-id mappings.
> Is it possible to optimize the eager loading of DocMap and make it kind of
> lazy load on-demand?
> Ex: Pass List<AtomicReader> to the caller and ask for next new-old doc
> mapping..
> Since my segments are already sorted, I could save on memory a little-bit
> this way, instead of loading the full DocMap upfront
> --
> Ravi

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