
I am trying to implement a sort order for search results in Lucene 4.7.2.

If I want to use data for ordering that is not stored in Lucene as Fields, is 
there any way this can be done?
Basically, I would have certain data that is associated logically to a document 
but stored elsewhere, like a DB. Can I create a Custom Sort function on the 
lines of a FieldComparator to sort based on this data by plugging it inside the 
sort function?  

I have tested the performance of the Sort function for String and numeric 
types, and as mentioned in some blog, it seems that the numeric type is much 
faster compared to the string type. However, if I sort on a number of fields 
from multiple clients, the memory footprint, due to the FieldCache.DEFAULT 
impl, increases approximately 5-6 times. If I run this on a machine which does 
not have this capacity, will I get a OOM or will there be intense thrashing for 
the memory?

Thanks n Regards,
Sandeep Ramesh Khanzode

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