Hi Uwe, 
       I already created the issue in JIRA 
Zhijiang Wang

Schindler <u...@thetaphi.de>发送时间:2014年7月1日(星期二) 15:47收件人:java-user 
<java-user@lucene.apache.org>; wangzhijiang999 <wangzhijiang...@aliyun.com>主 
题:RE: 答复:RE: RE: About lucene memory consumptionHi Wang,would it be possible to 
open a JIRA issue so we can track this?In any case, I would recommend to 
disable compound files if you use NRTCachingDirectory (as a 
workaround).Uwe-----Uwe SchindlerH.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 
Bremenhttp://www.thetaphi.deeMail: u...@thetaphi.de> -----Original 
Message-----> From: wangzhijiang999 [mailto:wangzhijiang...@aliyun.com]> Sent: 
Tuesday, July 01, 2014 9:17 AM> To: java-user> Subject: 答复:RE: RE: About lucene 
memory consumption> > My application also meet this problem last year and I 
researched on the code> and found the reason.> The whole process is as follow:> 
1. When using NRTCachingDirectory, it will use RAMDirectory as cache and> 
MMapDirectory as delegate. The new segment will be created in the process> of 
flush or merge. And the NRTCachingDirectory use the parameters of> 
maxMergeSizeBytes and maxCachedBytes to decide to create the new> segment in 
cache(in memory) or in delegate(in disk).> 2. When flush to create new segment, 
it will compare the> context.fllushinfo.estimatedSegmentSize of new segment 
with the above> parameter. If the size of new segment is small, then it will be 
created> in RAMDirectory, otherwise in MMapDirectory.> 3. When merge to create 
new segment, it will compare the> context.mergeInfo.estimatedMergeBytes of new 
segment with the above> parameter. And if the size of new segment is small, it 
will be created in cache,> otherwise in delegate.> 4. But when the new segment 
is compound index file(cfs) no matter during> flush or merge, it will use 
IOContext.DEFAULT for that segment, and the> estimatedMergeBytes 
,estimatedSegmentSize are both null for> IOContext.DEFAULT, resulting in 
creating the new compund segment file> always in cache no matter how big it 
really is. This is the core issue.> > Then I will explain the mechanism of 
releasing the segment in cache.> 1. Normally, in the process of commit, the 
sync operation will flush the new> created segment files to the disk, and 
delete them from the cache. But if the> merging process is running during the 
sync, so the new created segment by> merge will not be sync to disk in this 
commit, and the new merged> compound segment file will be created in cache as 
described above.> 2. If using NRT feature, the IndexSearcher will get 
segmentReader from the> IndexWriter by getReader method. And theire is a 
ReaderPool> inside the IndexWriter. For the new segment, it will first fetch 
from the cache> of NRTCachingDirectory, if the new segment is not in the 
cache(created> directly in the disk or commit to disk releasing from the 
cache), then fetch it> from the delegate. The new fetched segment will be put 
in the ReaderPool> in the IndexWriter. As described above, the new segment 
created by merge> is in the cache now, and when it is fetched by IndexWriter, 
it will be> referenced by the ReaderPool of IndexWriter. In the process of 
next> commit, this new segment will be sync to disk and released from the 
cache,> but it is still referenced by the ReaderPool. And you will see the> 
IndexSearcher reference a lot of RAMFile which are already in the disk.> When 
these RAMFil can be dropped? When these segments join the new> merging process 
to create new segment, then these old segments will be> released from the 
ReaderPool of the IndexWriter completely.> > I modified the lucene souce code 
to solve this problem in the> CompoundFileWriter class.> out = new 
DirectCFSIndexOutput(getOutput(), entry, false); //original out => new 
DirectCFSIndexOutput(getOutput(context), entry, false); //modified> > 
IndexOutput createOutput(String name, IOContext context) throws> IOException { 
ensureOpen(); boolean success = false; boolean> outputLocked = false; try { 
assert name != null : "name must not be null"; if> (entries.containsKey(name)) 
{ throw new IllegalArgumentException("File "> + name + " already exists"); } 
final FileEntry entry = new> FileEntry(); entry.file = name; entries.put(name, 
entry); final String id => IndexFileNames.stripSegmentName(name); assert 
!seenIDs.contains(id) :> "file=\"" + name + "\" maps to id=\"" + id + "\", 
which was already> written"; seenIDs.add(id); final DirectCFSIndexOutput out;> 
if ((outputLocked = outputTaken.compareAndSet(false, true))) { //out => new 
DirectCFSIndexOutput(getOutput(), entry, false); out = new> 
DirectCFSIndexOutput(getOutput(context), entry, false); } else { entry.dir> = 
this.directory; if (directory.fileExists(name)) { throw new> 
IllegalArgumentException("File " + name + " already exists"); } out = new> 
DirectCFSIndexOutput(directory.createOutput(name, context), entry,> true); } 
success = true; return out; } finally { if (!success)> { entries.remove(name); 
if (outputLocked) { // release the output lock if> not successful assert 
outputTaken.get(); releaseOutputLock(); } } } }> private synchronized 
IndexOutput getOutput(IOContext context) throws> IOException { if (dataOut == 
null) { boolean success = false; try { dataOut> = 
directory.createOutput(dataFileName,> context); CodecUtil.writeHeader(dataOut, 
DATA_CODEC,> VERSION_CURRENT); success = true; } finally { if (!success)> { 
IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(dataOut); } } } return dataOut; }> 

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