
There is no concept of layers in Java2D; our library is an immediate
mode API.

It seems like one way to address your needs (of not redrawing all of
these costly objects when only one changes) is to draw each one into
its own BufferedImage (probably a BITMASK transparent one).  Then
composite them all in the window during drawing.  When one changes,
you only need to re-render that one object; the rest can simply
be copied from their BufferedImage objects when repainting the


kaiwen wrote:


I just started reading on java2d and glf (Graphics Layered Framework).

I am very keen on learning glf, I hope to achieve layered graphics like
those in Photoshop drawing.
What I wanted is to draw each Shape in seperate Layer, and modify a
particular Layer and redraw that modified Layer WITHOUT redrawing the
whole canvas. Can I do this with glf?

I tried a few example from, I cannot find a method
Layer.remove(Layer). Or there is another way doing this?

I used to keep all Shape drawn in a Vector and later search for the
Shape I want to modify, modify it and draw the whole Vector on Canvas
again. Yes, it is very slow.

What is a better way of doing this? Please advice.

Best ragards,
Calvin Kuan
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