I have the following problem:
I load an animated gif, and convert it to DirectColorModel
When I am done with it, I convert it back to IndexColorModel, I convert the 
colormodel by creating a lookup table, for the first frame, and then store the 
colormodel for the other frames and convert them in the following manner:

ColorModel cm = params.getInternalVariables().getCm();
BufferedImage newImage = new 
Graphics2D gfx = newImage.createGraphics();

The problem is that if i have an image with a transparent background, lets say 
black (rgb 0,0,0) and the image also contains some colors close to this, lets 
say rgb 10,0,10 then the resulting image will have its solid black background 
changed to a mix of rgb 0,0,0 and 10,0,10. The result being that since 0,0,0 is 
the transparent color, the 10,0,10 pixels come out as black dots which ruins 
the image.

If I do the full conversion for each frame of the animation then this will not 
happen, but creating the lookup table is so unbelievably slow, like 10 seconds 
for a small gif, so the time to process the image would increase by 10 seconds 
multiplied with the number of frames, that is not an option.

Is there a way that I can prevent it from changing the solid black background 
to a variation of black tones?

I know that if the image does not contain any colors close to the transparent 
color then it will work, but often this will be the case and if any colors 
resembling the transparent one if found when I run the above code, then I get 
the problem.

I dont know if I am providing a clear eanough problem here, does anyone have 
any input to this?

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