I've run some tests and concluded that JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(new 
FileInputStream(file)).decodeAsBufferedImage() is faster than  ImageIO.read(new 
File(file)) .
I have a test image that's 1978x2500 that loads in 375ms using JPEGCodec and 
735 ms using ImageIO. I set ImageIO.setUseCache(false). Is there something I'm 
doing wrong or is the old package faster. I'm writing an application to read 
images/slideshow, etc and speed is very important. Do you have any tips or 
I'm running Java 6 u1 on Windows XP Media Center. 128MB VRAM, AMD Athlon 3800 
Dual Core X2, 1GB RAM.

Thanks in advance,

Carl Antaki
[Message sent by forum member 'carcour' (carcour)]


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