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I am using BufferStrategy with 2 buffers to render off screen and then blast 
the contents on to the screen and I am impressed with the simplicity of it and 
its performance.  However, there is a VERY serious problem with it, at least 
the way I am using it.  It seems that whenever the JFrame is resized something 
is causing the screen to be cleared.  The result is bad flickering or, even 
worse, a totally blank screen.

I am using BufferStrategy in the technique in the JavaDoc as follows:

do {
        do {
                g2d = (Graphics2D)this.strategy.getDrawGraphics();
                // Perform rendering here...

        } while (this.strategy.contentsRestored());
} while (strategy.contentsLost());

The clearing of the screen happens after any calls to strategy.show() and even 
if I call it repeatedly after a resize event it seems that the screen will 
clear after the last call.  All that is required to restore the screen's 
contents is to render again but I cannot work out how to trap this screen 
clearing event and therefore know when to re-render.

Why is the screen clearing after the frame is resized?  Is there a way to 
prevent this, perhaps by using a different actual strategy for the 
BufferStrategy?  The screen clearing after resizing doesn't occur if I just 
manually use a BufferedImage instead.

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