Hi Ken,

Thanks for your input.

> I would revert to the use of the Java Docs recommended do/while loops.
> They work well.

How are my loops any different other than printing out the return statuses?

>  And you will have to figure out when to call your
> rendering method.

Yes, that's what I am requesting assistance with.  The problem seems to be that 
if I don't override paint() to call the renderer then as soon as the user 
clicks and holds on the border of the frame, the contents of the frame are 
cleared.  Perhaps as Dmitri points out this is just a Vista/Aero thing.

> I use MemoryImageSource and render with the do/while loops
> in my newPixels() method. I use paint() with the do/while
>  loops for expose events. And I toggle setIgnoreRepaint()
> as needed.

Does this have any advantages over what I am doing?

> The mods to you've made to the do/while loops look unnecessary.
> But our apps are different.

As I said, I don't see how my loops are any different.

> You are on the right track. Don't forget about overriding update().

I do override update().

And loving it,

-Qu0ll (Rare, not extinct)
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