As part of the refocusing of into new directions, one of the
more obvious issues is that a lot of the codebase is dependent
on Java3D. However, part of the initial design was to maintain as much
separation between basic functionality which could be used with any
rendering API and the bits that explicity require Java3D.

Luckily we went that way, because now we're having to move in that
direction only. So, last Friday I did a complete dump of everything on
my machine into CVS, whether it compiles or not, complete or not, in
preparation for the reorganisation. So that there's a permanent archive
of the existing code, I took it all, made a ZIP file of both the source
and compiled code and placed it on the website here:

under the development release section.

From today, I'll be taking the existing code and breaking it up into a
number of subsections: those that are renderer-independent and those
that are dependent. Mostly this will be simple package changes, though
there will be a couple of significant structural changes (ROAM and
particle systems being two that I can think off immediately). There will
be subtle reorganisations of other parts too, such as the file loaders
to keep the basic parsing code in one package and the Java3D Loader
implementation in the J3D-specific section.

Once again, I'll take the oppourtunity to suggest that if you would like
to contribute code, please get in contact with me. The main license is
LGPL, but there are parts of the codebase under less restrictive
licensing, such as the BSD v2 license. Code quality requirements are
fairly high in order to maintain the integrity of the codebase (full
javadoc documentation, commandline-capable compiling etc).

Alternatively, is happy to act as a home for other independent
3D Java projects. If you need websites, CVS, mailing lists etc, please
contact me and I'll set it up.

Justin Couch               
Java Architect & Bit Twiddler    
Author, Java 3D FAQ Maintainer        
"Humanism is dead. Animals think, feel; so do machines now.
Neither man nor woman is the measure of all things. Every organism
processes data according to its domain, its environment; you, with
all your brains, would be useless in a mouse's universe..."
                                              - Greg Bear, Slant

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