I´m writing an application where a user will be standing beside a screen that is facing upwards. He will be looking down on a virtual world with a landscape/map and some moving objects.


This requires a skewed view frustrum.


The Java view model is not really fully documented ...


The example ManualEyeDemo is good and points out that you have to use RELATIVE_TO_SCREEN

eyepoint policy in order to be able to set the eye's x, y and z position using

setLeftManualEyeInImagePlate() and setRightManualEyeInImagePlate().


I need to position the image plate as indicated by the picture below. What is the best way to do it? PhysicalEnvironment setCoexistenceToTrackerBase or??




                X  eye position




                -----------  the image plate, canvas






                          ===  a 3D object




                      | y-axis (up)



         z-axis       x-axis (out of picture)



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