Salut Thierry,

I agree with you, I had the same feeling at the beginning when I started to
learn the java3d API ... but at this time java3d was not in the main SUN's
So basically, I tried to build an application showing all java3d features.
You can check it out under sourceforges (source will be soon available)


                -----Original Message-----
                From: Discussion list for Java 3D API
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@SUNGARD On Behalf Of "Thierry Milard (free)"
                Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 2:02 PM
                To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Subject: Re: [JAVA3D] Java View model ...

        M. Mark Wood,   as I started to discover both 3D and java3D 6 month
ago I was surprise to 
        be able to understand most of wath I asked for.
          But concerning the documentation issue,I do agree with you I have
had some problem 
        to understand the view model (view frustrum,....). 
        Thanks then.
        I am glad to see people like you are working hard to improve the
"public accessibility" for
        beginers and people discovering java3D.   Maybe
sites/docs/communication should be eased for those 
        beginers (those who prohramm in java but not yet in 3D). More visual
for sure.
        The  java3D technical sucess is already quite a success (for me at
least) whereas the  communication  is not so good I think.
        Some might argue that java3D is for tecky people but it is not with
those kind of argument you build a sharp success.
        Most of my java developper colleagues don't even know about the
"java3D" name....
        Since java3D is a pure "visual" API could it be not possible for sun
to build a nice very cool and enjoyable internet site ?
        with screens shots of cool java3D softwares... and documentation
with a lot of drawings and screen shots.
        Hope java3D will be a nice success. It deserves it
        Thierry, Paris 
        -------Original Message-------
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Date: Saturday, June 12, 2004 02:54:54
        Subject: Re: [JAVA3D] Java View model ...
        > I´m writing an application where a user will be standing beside a
screen that
        > is facing upwards. He will be looking down on a virtual world with
        > landscape/map and some moving objects.
        > This requires a skewed view frustrum.
        > The Java view model is not really fully documented ...
        It's terrible. I think it's really only fully documented by the
source code,
        and even then I would not have come to a full understanding without
access to
        the people who implemented it. I tried to address this problem with
        utility class com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.ViewInfo -- there is
        javadoc there, and the source code is available. The class is
essentially a
        reimplementation of the Java 3D view model designed for public
        The essential things to keep in mind with the Java 3D view model:
        1) View frustums are established by specifying the physical position
of the
        viewer's eyes (either through a nominal viewing position or by
        tracking the user's head position with hardware) relative to the
        viewing surfaces (usually a window on a flat display surface). That
is, the
        projection frustum is literally determined by the position of an eye
at the
        apex of the frustum with respect to the corners of the Canvas3D.
        2) The positions of all eyes and viewing surfaces are positioned
relative to
        each other through what is known as the coexistence coordinate
system. The
        orientation of coexistence coordinates with respect to image plate
        can be completely arbitrary, but in most cases it is aligned with
image plate
        coordinates and centered in the middle of the Canvas3D or screen.
Both image
        plate coordinates and coexistence coordiantes are physical
coordinate systems
        measured in meters, with no scaling between them.
        3) Physical cooexistence coordinates are positioned with respect to
the virtual
        universe coordinate system (where your geometric model lives)
through the
        ViewPlatform. The ViewPlatform is always aligned with coexistence
        but may have different scaling and a different origin/offset. The
        is an ordinary Node, and so by scaling, positioning, and orienting
        ViewPlatform, Java 3D is able to compute the correct projection of
the virtual
        universe onto the physical display surfaces.
        > The example ManualEyeDemo is good and points out that you have to
        > RELATIVE_TO_SCREEN eyepoint policy in order to be able to set the
eye's x, y
        > and z position using setLeftManualEyeInImagePlate() and
        > setRightManualEyeInImagePlate().
        That would work, but if I were to write that demo over again, I'd
set the eye
        positions relative to coexistence -- the coexistence coordinate
system is
        aligned with the screen and follows the window center by default.
        To get to your specific question... assuming your window takes up
the full
        screen, and you are using only one screen with no head tracking:
        Keep coexistence centering to the default value of "enabled" -- this
aligns the
        coexistence coordinate system with image plane coordinates. The
origin of the
        coexistence coordinate system in that case is then determined by the
        movement policy: with the default of PHYSICAL_WORLD, the origin is
set to the
        center of the Canvas3D, and when set to VIRTUAL_WORLD, the origin is
set to the
        center of the screen. You should set the window movement policy to
        VIRTUAL_WORLD for the setup you describe.
        With a single screen and no head tracking, you shouldn't need to set
        coexistenceToTrackerBase and trackerBaseToImagePlate (in fact, with
        centering enabled, those transforms are ignored). Those transforms
are used to
        orient multiple screens with respect to coexistence coordinates.
        The coexistence and image plate coordinate systems are physical
        system measured in meters. Since you will be constructing a skewed
        frustum that corresponds to the nominal physical position of the
viewer's eyes,
        you will need to make sure that your screen metrics are correct.
Unless you
        specify the screen dimensions explictly, Java 3D assumes a
resolution of 90
        pixels per inch. In your case, it is essential that you get out a
ruler and
        measure the exact dimensions of the image area on the screen, and
set them using the methods in Screen3D.
        Now you can specify the positions of the user's eyes in coexistence
        to get the exact viewing frustum you require. Call
        View.setWindowEyePointPolicy(View.RELATIVE_TO_COEXISTENCE) and then
        View.set{Left,Right}ManualEyeInCoexistence() with the eye positions.
        For more details read the source code to com.sun.j3d.utils.ViewInfo.
        particular, see ViewInfo.getViewPlatformToCoexistence() to
understand how the
        scale and offset of the ViewPlatform is computed with respect to
        coordinates. You may also find the documentation for the Java 3D
configuration file useful -- you can get there through the class overview of
        -- Mark Hood
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