I was facing a similar problem last year. I had to consume a single
web service and expose just a couple of them. They were veeeery simple
and I did not want to feed the application with thick jars. It was a
ibm show, which meant java 1.4, spring 2.0 and websphere 5.

For the client part, I used soapsonar for test-consumption against the
enemy, sniffed the network while doing it and used the results to
craft a very simple consumer. This consumer just opened a socket,
wrote a string with some replaced content and parsed the results
looking only for the things I cared about. Then some ssl
copy-paste-n-hack and I was ready.

For the server part, I selected spring web services. All extra jars
combined were about 340kb. There were a couple of nasty dependencies
with some wsdl library on websphere. I ended up NOT generating the
.wsdl but copying the one I've been given as an example and using what
seems like a tiny part of the whole framework. I used a simple sax
parser over the message to extract the information I needed and the
framework allowed me to return a xml source. Looking back, I guess
parsing the xml directly on a servlet and crafting the response
without the framework would not be a whole lot of extra work.

Harder wood might call for bigger hammers. But this one was pretty
soft. And... well... the code hasn't moved for almost a year in
production and I was congratulated because it was the fastest
implementation the enemy encountered so far. It was quite lightweight
and the backend was certainly very well done, a legacy RPL application
running on i5s. No serialization nor marshalling nor mapping...

Still... it manages to get the job done.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Dan Shaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to use SOAP so that I can communicate with the enemy :-)
> On Dec 2, 2:55 pm, Casper Bang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > this - not a whole framework which I would have to adopt.
>> This is Java, you are supposed to adopt frameworks every day.
>> Kidding aside, have a look at XStream. It is not a framework as much
>> as a generic serializer facility, which can be used in a REST style
>> service layer, turning your DTO's into XML or JSON. Very very 
>> KISS:http://xstream.codehaus.org/json-tutorial.html
>> /Casper
> >

Marcelo Morales

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